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Thread: New to the board..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    New to the board..

    Hey guys, I've been lurking around the board for the past few months just reading. I have been a member of the message boards for a while but have found the people on this board much more mature (age perhaps?).

    Anyway, I'm 17 and I've been training for the past 10 months and have made good gains, I went from 185(chubby) to 160 ( skinny) and Im now at a well built 173lb. Im bulking right now but I have a problem. I cant eat alot of dairy because it gives me alot of congestion. Whey shakes also dont agree with me (I've tried them all, I just bought a Nlarge2 and had problems with it aswell). So I basically just need to eat clean foods to bulk up.

    What Im wondering is if anyone has a good daily diet without shakes and much dairy that is fairly inexpensive (though it doesnt really matter). I workout just changed my split from 6 days a week ( different body part each day) to just recently 3 days a week with a chest/tri, back/bi, Shoulders/Legs split and its working wonders! I feel that the months (8 actually) of the 6 day a week thing I was overtraining and I could kick myself.

    Any diets would be great, also when would most of you recommend cutting for the summer? March? or somewhere in May? My goals are to be about Mark Wahlberg size when he was a Calvin Klien model. Later in life I'd like to be a 230lb beast, but for now at 17 I think its a reasonable goal.

    Sorry for such a long one, but I wanted to lay it down.

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    ptbyjason Guest
    Welcome to the board bro. You will learn even more around here. Just hang aroud some and you will learn even more.

    BTW, have you ever considered Soy Protein or Egg Protein? They may be better options if you are lactose intolerant (probable reason) and cannot eat the whey protein.

    Good luck bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thanks for responding Jay, my name is also Jason .

    I'd like to actually love to have your physique, thats what I'm aiming for.

    I was sceptical about Soy protein because of the studies show it raises estrogen levels in guys.. not good..

    Egg protein, do any big companies make it? (prolab, etc )

    Thanks alot!

    Also Jase, whats your workout and diet like? have u ever bulked or did u just eat right and train right? I dont want a huge bodybuilder body yet, something like you, a CK model look..

    Which I think Im slowly getting

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Jason ain't nuthin but a punk, don't listen to him.

    Just playin. He's the guy to talk to about this stuff. A 'guru'....if you will. Egg protein can be found at any health food store. As far as whole food goes. Eat lots of chicken, egg whites (with a few yolks tossed in for EFA's), steak (my fave), salmon, tuna, protein bars(if in a hurry). All of these with good clean complex carbs, such as: oatmeal, brown/wild rice, potatoes, yams...will make your goals much easier to attain. Good luck.

    Anything else you want to add "J"? I'm sure there's SOME flaw you can point out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Check out

    They have a lot of variety...also less expensive than name brands or anything you will find in stores
    What happens here, stays here

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Welcome to the board

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    WELCOME BRO.....just eat as much clean food as you can lots of fish chicken ECT

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    There are many ways to injest protien with oout the aid of shakes. Althoug shakes are handy, solid foods are a much better source. Try poping over to the reciepe section. There are many very easy dishes to fix and if done in bulk they will last you throughout the week. If you have ANY problems with them shoot me a pm and I'll be glad to clear it up.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thanks alot tobey

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Greetings Bro!

    look forward to your input?

    This is simply the best board out there!

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