I started doing cardio a week ago for soccer, a few days ago i was doing sprints and after 4 or 5 30yd dashes i felt a slight pull in my upper quads, maybe just a lil strain, but nothing major. So i rested for a few days, no big deal. Then tonite, a couple cute girls were goin around askin ppl to play soccer, so i was like screw studying, i'll play. So i stretched out my quads (probably not as long as i should, only like 10 seconds each, i usually go 35-40 seconds each, but they started playin). After a 1/2 hour or so, i started feelin that strain in my quads again, and as i kept playin it got worse and worse, it even hurts when i kick the damn ball or if i'm just walking, and even as i sit here and type it.
I don't think its a tear, just a bad strain. Anyways my question is what can i do to speed up recovery. I can't get ice tonite, cuz i'm in college and no car, and i can't really ice it during the week cuz i'm always busy with school, is there anything else i can do? Is it ok if i stretch it, or would that hinder recovery and make it worse? Would lite weight training help at all?
Thanks in advance for the help, i'm gonna take a shower, drink a protein shake and search around the net for more answers, and i'll post what i find.