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Thread: Pullups/ Chinups

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Pullups/ Chinups

    I have a P.E class requirement to do pullups/chinups. I can only do about 2 ( I know it sux ). How can I make my upper body stronger or Increase my # of repetitions for the following exercises...thank u..


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Lat pulldowns
    Assisted pullup machine
    Do as many sets of 2 pullups as you can till failure
    Jump up to bring yourself up then lower yourself down slowly for as many reps as you can. Maybe add some weight to a dip belt.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by AJS
    I have a P.E class requirement to do pullups/chinups. I can only do about 2 ( I know it sux ). How can I make my upper body stronger or Increase my # of repetitions for the following exercises...thank u..


    Every other day, just do pull ups. Let your shoulders rest and recouperate. Don't push it too much too fast because you can hurt yourself. You should be able to increase your strength pretty quickly. That's one of those things that just doing it is the best thing. I would guess you have phys ed once a week, maybe twice. Every time you do it in class you'll be doing more.

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