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Thread: Are "cheater" curls safe??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    713....Houston Texas...

    Are "cheater" curls safe??

    I was just browsing through the "Arnold Encyclopedia" the other day, and I noticed that he advises to performer cheater curls when you can no longer do any more with correct form. Although this is coming from 'the man', are these things safe? It seems to me that using momentum from you back and shoulders would be a risky idea. Anybody have an idea is this is true or not because I am interested in trying these out but without any kind of injuries. Thanks,

  2. #2
    horrible roommate did 'em and tore somethin in his back and was on pain medicine for like 2 weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I'm sure that it goes on to say that you should only do cheating reps for the last one or two reps, and no more than that. If you do your last rep by cheating, then you're not in too much danger of doing any damage, but if you push out like five reps with bad form, you can hurt yourself.

    In reality, it's almost impossible to do your final curl without cheating to some degree (if you're working until failure). Most people feel it in their shoulder when they do their last rep in standing curls or bench press (if you're working until failure). That exagerated, basically putting your body under the weight instead of lifting it, is pretty useless when it comes to curls.

    The whole concept of the cheating rep is to get your body and your brain used to the idea that you need more from your muscles and your current muscle mass isn't enough, which makes your body realize that it has to grow in order to compensate. If all of your reps are in proper form and you're not working until complete failure, then your body and your brain will feel that it's current condition is good enough for the amount of work it has to do (At least that's what I rember the basic principle to be).

    I cheat on my final rep on almost all of my movements, and I haven't gotten hurt yet. The times that I have injured myself (very rare), it was from not worming up enough and I felt it early on in the exercise.

    I say, give it a try. Make sure you're warmed up though. And if you have a pre-disposition for a certain type of injury, you just may get it no matter what you do. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I agree with DBarcelo cheats should only be done on the last few reps when you are pushing so hard it is imposible to get a corect one. Train smart and train safe

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I really thing it depends on how much you cheat. I like to use perfect form but if I can't get my last rep and have no spotter I cheat. But if you just flat out have no chance of getting it up and you swing it from the bottom thats dangerous IMO. Its a good way to f... up your back.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    713....Houston Texas...
    Thanks a lot for the replies bros. Yah, one of the reasons I was considering trying these is because my workout partner moved 30 miles away and I have been lifting solo for the last couple of weeks. Thanks again.

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