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Thread: Abs Routine

  1. #1
    Adren is offline New Member
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    Sep 2003

    Abs Routine

    I am doing a super-set routine 3 days a week. I want to start fitting abs into this routine... does anyone have any suggestions of what I can throw in?

    Routine consists of:


    On 3 consecutive days...(not a lot of free time on weekends and fridays)

  2. #2
    Adren is offline New Member
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    Sep 2003
    Also, I've been wanting to build up my shoulders and hips a bit because they're lacking muscle/meat

  3. #3
    DBarcelo's Avatar
    DBarcelo is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adren
    I am doing a super-set routine 3 days a week. I want to start fitting abs into this routine... does anyone have any suggestions of what I can throw in?

    Routine consists of:


    On 3 consecutive days...(not a lot of free time on weekends and fridays)
    I would personally do abs on the chest/back day. I would put shoulders on the Arms/Shoulders day and I would hit the hips on the legs day.

    I'm not sure if you're asking for specif exercises though.

  4. #4
    Adren is offline New Member
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    Sep 2003
    If there are any specific exercises that would help out with the muslce growth... my shoulder bones stick out a bit... maybe something to help with the ligaments?

    Well, here is my routine:

    (Reps of 5-6)
    (Last Rep on most exercises done till failure)

    Day 1-

    Decline Bench - 5 sets
    Bentover Rowing - 5 sets
    Incline Fly - 5 sets
    Lat Pull Down - 5 sets
    Dead Lift - 3 sets

    Day 2 -

    DB Press - 5 sets
    Upright Row BB - 5 sets
    BB Curl - 5 sets
    CloseGrip Bench - 5 sets
    Incline DB - 5 sets
    Dips - 5 sets

    Day 3 -

    Leg Press - 5 sets
    Squats - 5 sets
    Leg Ext - 3 sets
    Leg Curl - 3 sets
    Calf Raise - 5 sets

    I vary it a bit here and there, but that's basically it. Im trying to build up weight mainly... but I've been basing my workouts around this for about 8 months now.

  5. #5
    Testify's Avatar
    Testify is offline Senior Member
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    The Asshole Capitol
    If you want meat on your shoulders, you nedd to stick with the basics.

    Military press (always to the front)
    Lateral raises
    Front raises
    Reverse bent-over flyes
    Upright rows

    If you haven't done these before, you may not be able to move much weight. Thats ok. Don't risk a shoulder injury by trying to do more than you can. Always do a couple of warm-up sets first. You don't want a bum sholder. Start with the compound movements and finish with the isolations. If you are short on time, I sometimes will superset the 3 raises for three sets. Its a great way to fry those delts.

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