I have had a re-occuring left wrist "strain" recently. I have to think it is tendon related since it comes and goes depending on how much the wrist is used on off days, and how much weight is used on on days...
Also, I have just started to get MAJOR aching in my left elbow whcih I believe to be also tendon related.....
(I am pretty much a wreck!! )
Any opinions on if I should be taking it easy or taking time off??
I recently took off a week for a muscle pull in my neck/trap area....
and was hoping that would help with the wrist.
Nope, and now I have to deal with the elbow pain to boot...
Do I continue to work out as frequently??? Do I take time off??? How long?? If I push through and keep training, should I drop the imtensity, and if so how much???
Sorry for all the questions, but this is really the first time I have had to adjust my training at all due to injury.
Thanks in advance,