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Thread: Hit A Plateau

  1. #1

    Hit A Plateau

    Well, isn't this great. I have hit a plateau in my training, I can't gain any more weight, I am on a bulk right now, and ingesting 3600 cals a day. WIth 210 g of protein. I am currently 5'6 and 140 lbs, I train 4x a week, each body part once a week. I have just changed my routine a week ago.

    I am thinkin' just uppin' my cals a bit more. But I think 3600 is an insane amount already. Or resorting to One+

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    eat more, change you routine up, what is your routine what is your diet.

    Whatcha gonna do brother......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    You will definitely have to change something up with your routine.

    As far as diet goes, I would up the protein to at least 300g per day for a guy your size.

  4. #4
    Would 300 cals actually help out, for weight gain I thought it was important to ingest carbs and 1.5 g protein per lb of body weight


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Diffently change your workout up some, it can give your workout and muscles new life......When I'm not to worried about my abs showing I will increase my good fats since they have more calories per gram than carbs.....still limit your sat. fats and trans fats...just my 02 cents worth.

  6. #6
    300 gms of protein is what aboudian is talking about, and yes 1.5-2 gms of protein per lb, is suggested, Good luck..

    Whatcha gonna do brother........

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    Quote Originally Posted by GonnaBeHuge
    Would 300 cals actually help out, for weight gain I thought it was important to ingest carbs and 1.5 g protein per lb of body weight

    Don't think of it as calories, think of it as protein. Carbs won't build muscle. As far as protein requirements go, 2g/lb should be the minimum. If I were you 300g protein would be the minimum, I would really shoot for 350-400g for a guy your weight. There really is no way to tell if you're getting enough protein in, so if you're eating large amounts thats the only way you can be sure that you're getting all the protein in that your body needs.

  8. #8
    Alright, it is offical I will start takin in > 300 g of protein a day! And I will keep everyone posted on the results

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Are you getting enough sleep? And were are you getting your protien from? Powders are good but real food is much better.
    Looks like you are on the right track bro!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Change your routine. Do heavy negatives once a week. Next time you do the group, do 6 x 10 with drop set of 20 at the end. You need to shock your body into defending itself in order to grow.

    Do the negative part of weighted dips, (load up the belt and lower down, step back up, lower your self down), bench (put 110% of your max on the bar and lower down to chest, your partner helps you back up, you lower down... same for weighted pull ups, assisted curls...) Shock the s$# out of your system, don't get stupid, but go heavy.

    Always works for me.

    210 grams of protein is plenty (in my humble opinion) assuming that your diet as a whole is in control.

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