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Thread: Sprinting for MASS!!

  1. #1
    CYCLEON Guest

    Sprinting for MASS!!

    one thing ive been doing lately that has had very good results has been adding in two days of sprints everyweek. There is a park with some steps (bout 120) near where I live and this has really helped. my routine:

    Set 1 - up/down the stairs 1 step at a time, 2 steps up/1down, then 3 up/1down all as fast as safely possible. Rest 90-120 seconds

    Set 2 - repeat
    Set 3 - repeat
    Set 4 - 15 seconds sprinting, 90 seconds rest/walk
    Set 5 - 20 seconds sprinting, 120 seconds rest/walk
    Set 6 - 25 seconds sprinting, done

    I do the stairs first so im not so tired that i trip. I can feel and see my legs growing and my wind has gotten better at just doing this for the last month or so - I used to do this off and on but not quite so precise. Cant wait to do this on the next cycle!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    That sounds great actually - I wish that I had something like that round where I lived - great cardio and nice leg workout at the same time - I get too damn bored with walking/running on machines that dont go anywhere!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Rocky springs to mind!!


  4. #4
    CYCLEON Guest
    mike tthe stairs arent absolutely necessary - I like them tho since they really do help my hams/glutes on that 3 step - a strait 6 sprints like the last 3 sets can be done anywhere - if your near the water, the sand is great for that. Very hard to sprint in the sand. uh oh, more rocky -darn I was thinking I was origional too

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    Yeah that's also a good idea - I need something with terrain and changing scenery - like i said I get bored easily - I used to run at the beach and it kicked my ass - I think I may start that up again for a while but would really like to find some steps - I like that idea - I may just go to the local schools or something

  6. #6
    CYCLEON Guest
    yeah, a lot of colleges have good steps or churches (not that youve ever spent much time in either of those, ill bet.... he... he....)

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    LOL funny thing is you're WAY too close to the truth

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I used to run up the stairs of a 60,000 seat football stadium but it was hell on my back (car accident).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If I was running up the steps of a Uni or college it would,nt last long with the talent on offer

    What am I saying??


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    I can belive that hole heartly. About a year ago I use to teach a body sculpting class. Since the majority of the peolpe who took the class was women I concentrated on lunges and squats since women useually hold more body fat in these areas. It only took about 3 months for my body fat to drop as low as it has ever been (About 5% at the time) and my quads really bloomed out great. I even begin getting alot of the guys I worked out with in the gym to begin taking the class. Unfortunately the ownership of the gym swapped hands and the new owner canceled the class.
    Last edited by Tobey; 09-10-2001 at 07:53 PM.

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