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Thread: How long before you saw outstanding results naturally?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    How long before you saw outstanding results naturally?

    A year? maybe three? Please share....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ON, Canada
    I’ve notice that with younger guys (16-21) that are still in there natural growth phase, results are seen rather quickly (maybe in a month or so into it). Kind of like giving Mother Nature a little kick in the pants, so to speak. As you get older and your body is nearly finished maturing, results tend to come less quickly. And if you’ve been working out for a while and you find yourself in one of those never-ending plateaus, the results feel like they’re never going to come! Not sure what you consider “outstanding results”, but what you’re probably going to notice right away is the strength gain before anything and the weight comes later. Personally from what I remember from when I first started working out was the tight muscle feeling that you got a few days after your initial work-out. I probably confused this with immediate muscle gain at the time, then about a month or so after consistent work-outs, I began to notice the strength increase and within a few weeks the scale started to move. A year or three sounds pretty excessive. If your not seeing results within the first few months, your doing something wrong. Hope that’s what you were looking for.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    well personally I am 30 and I see notice when I am natural in about 2 weeks of me working hard, not big gains but I can see my muscles taking shape. Course that is from many many years training them muscles have memory..
    On gear, I notice changes in almost a week, depending on what I am taking. Big gains too. I mean I see my muscles harden and take shape.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I first started working out in 1979,back then I was about 155lbs. My first year I didn't really gain much size but I did get alot stronger. But I was determined to grow so I kept at it. Well now its 2002 and I now weigh 190lbs. with probably 8-10% bodyfat.So don't give up.keep at it and you will succeed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I made the best gains in 6 months. I think it is because the body was not used to the work load after that it go a lot slower ..

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