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Thread: Hurt my back today, looking for advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Arlington Texas

    Hurt my back today, looking for advice

    was in the gym doing my last set of deads with too much weight, my form got sloppy and when i went for the 3rd rep i felt a pop and a bit of shock go through my lower back, right above the hip bones

    the pain is not unbearable, i can reach down and touch my toes still while standing up...but it does hurt and i'm worried. what do you guys think i did to my precious back?

    the owner of the gym told me to lie flat on the ground, put one leg over the other and bend my torso the opposite direction to pop the there anything else i can do to speed up recovery?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bound for Muscle
    was in the gym doing my last set of deads with too much weight, my form got sloppy and when i went for the 3rd rep i felt a pop and a bit of shock go through my lower back, right above the hip bones

    the pain is not unbearable, i can reach down and touch my toes still while standing up...but it does hurt and i'm worried. what do you guys think i did to my precious back?

    the owner of the gym told me to lie flat on the ground, put one leg over the other and bend my torso the opposite direction to pop the there anything else i can do to speed up recovery?
    Sorry to here that bro.....hurting your back can be very serious...take it easy for a few days....maybe try doing some stretches, but not to could get worse if you over do anything so be careful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    You can still work around an injury.. on back day.. skip deads and do extra sets on machine pullbacks and pulldowns.. on legs skip squats and stay on the seated machines.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Arlington Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by bigol'legs
    You can still work around an injury.. on back day.. skip deads and do extra sets on machine pullbacks and pulldowns.. on legs skip squats and stay on the seated machines.

    okay thanks...i was going to stay outta the gym for a few days, my next day would be chest/shoulders...i'll definitely take it easy on the back and squats for at least a week

  5. #5
    I did the same thing a while back bro. I would recommend some trunk stabilization excercises. Worked well for me, but take it slow getting back into doing deads, I'm still not going as heavy as I was and I injured my back about 3 months ago. Be safe bro, wisdom

  6. #6
    Swellin Guest
    I injured my back in high school. I got over extended while hitting a guy a lot taller than me. It cinched my back pretty badly. The following spring training, (I was a sophomore), I got into a little squatting contest with another guy, and while squatting 500, I hurt my back again. It was a pain similar to the one you described. I have never done squats again. Three years later, I had a fall from about 20', and broke my back (the bottom vertebrae). Brother, my lower back is in shambles.

    I tell you this to establish credibility for my back recommendations.

    Give it some rest!!! Do some stretching. The stretch that you were told to try will work, but don't do it too can can even take your breath away. Do a little bit of hanging from a bar. While hanging, slowly rotate your lower body...forward and backward. You should feel a little bit of pressure relief. You can hang onto one of those leg lift bars, and rotate your lower body. It will stretch much like hanging from the bar.

    When you are watching tv at home, lie on the floor on your back. Try and rotate your hips so that it relieves the pressure on your lower back.

    Good Luck!

    Don't push it, back troubles have a way of reappearing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Arlington Texas
    okay it's been over a week, i went to a doctor and had my bf measured and my back, you shoulda heard the crunching when he did my lower back. it feels alot better now though

    as for my bodyfat, i was %14.1 measured electronically. the guy that was taking it said beforehand that the electronic ones measure higher than what people typically get with calipers and that 14 percent is pretty lean

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Arlington Texas
    also, do you think hack squats would be okay?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    NJ, Woodbridge
    Quote Originally Posted by Bound for Muscle
    also, do you think hack squats would be okay?
    Hacks should be OK.......strict form......throw 45's on each side see how it feels.

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