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Thread: Muscles 2x per week

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Muscles 2x per week

    Alright, i would like to preface this by telling you that i have followed a 4-5 day one muscle a week routine, and have seen some decent gains. I know the importance of rest and eating and everything. I am startingmy next cycle of test, eq, and fina in early november. i want to get the most gains possible and i was wondering how you guys feel about working a muscle twice a week from experience. I have tried it before and wasn't overly impressed, but i didn't eat half as much as i should have. Any input on this method would be appreciated. Like i said, i want people who have experience and can possibly compare the two.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    Alright, i would like to preface this by telling you that i have followed a 4-5 day one muscle a week routine, and have seen some decent gains. I know the importance of rest and eating and everything. I am startingmy next cycle of test, eq, and fina in early november. i want to get the most gains possible and i was wondering how you guys feel about working a muscle twice a week from experience. I have tried it before and wasn't overly impressed, but i didn't eat half as much as i should have. Any input on this method would be appreciated. Like i said, i want people who have experience and can possibly compare the two.
    I have done both... and large 2x's..small 1x.. and ive seen the best gains from 1x a week. I got some gains on twice a week and dont see to many problems from doing this.. just keep the sets under 8

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    This is one of those things that you have to learn for yourself. Different people gain differently. For me, I can feel when I'm ready to work out again, be it after three days or after five days. Normally, I work out a body part twice per week. I also do best when I do at least 7 reps. You have to figure out what works best for you with trial and error, this is why keeping a good log is very important. Just because something works for me, doesn't mean that it's going to work just as well for you.

    I did the once per week thing and all I was able to do was maintain. I also did the low rep thing, doing 4-6 reps and I either didn't gain as quick as I do with working 7-10 reps, or I would actually get weaker.

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