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Thread: 315 Bench

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    315 Bench

    I think i'm ready to try it soon...what I need to know is what weight and reps did you hit when you push 315 for the first 275X6 or 255X10...I need to know this because I know I will get a few guys looking...I at least wanna get it off my chest...haha...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Most experienced guys here will say that you have no business trying to get a 1 rep max done if you're trying to bulk up, because you can end up really hurting yourself and causing yourself to not be able to work out for a while.

    I just wanted to say to be careful doing that. I don't know how to calculate that stuff. I don't try for one rep max's and I don't even move up in weight unless I can do two sets of 10 with good form.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Thats actually more personalized than you would think. It has to do with your individual gentic make up. Two guys that have the same 1RM at 315lbs can greatly vary how many they can pump out at 225. There is actually a training theory (PFT) that uses this fact as a way to descide what a good rep range and load is to use. This "sweet spot" will give you the highest Power Index, (load*reps)/minutes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    That kinda sucks...I know I bodybuild but man..I just wanna if I can do 315 or not...I havent max in year to be honest...I just wanna be able to tell people what my max is and not lie like some do...Is there even a close way to know??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    try this site, its pretty good on accuracy, i know what u mean about tryin to max that, everytime u can throw on another set of 45's on bench its always big step in benching.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    You do what you want to do, and there's nothing wrong with seeing what your one rep max is, you just have to remember that doing it can cause you to be out of the gym for months.

    I'm a little older, and not as prone to the ego thing as when I was younger, so maybe that's why I would go about it differently. But if it were me, and someone asked me how much I can bench, I would say, "I work out with 140 lbs (or whatever you use) on the bar. I know I can do a couple sets of 10 with perfect form, but I have no idea what my one rep max is, because, when you get to the level that I'm at you know better than to try for a one rep max and risk injury. Plus, I'm not trying to impress anyone, I'm just building my self up. And don't forget that the bar itself weighs 45 lbs, plus the collars." Let them try to do the math and try to make their own assumptions.

    Using 140 + 45 + they probably have no idea how much the collar weighs, they may assume you're working with over 200 lbs. The average person probably dosn't know how to calculate a one rep max, so they may walk away thinking you can bench like 400 lbs for one rep. Maybe even more.

    I know you wrote that you lift 255, and most people take the bar weight into account also, but if you're not, then even better. People will defenitely think you can bench 400 lbs. Then it becomes an issue of, do you let people believe that you can bench however much they want to think, or do you remove all doubt and probably come much lower than what people will think.

    It's a bit of a mind game, but I'd rather that than to risk hurting myself.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    NJ, Woodbridge
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJuicer
    That kinda sucks...I know I bodybuild but man..I just wanna if I can do 315 or not...I havent max in year to be honest...I just wanna be able to tell people what my max is and not lie like some do...Is there even a close way to know??
    So why don't you just toss 315lb on the bar and go for it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Its good to train for an increase in limit strength every once in a while using low reps and increased rest intervals. I am doing that right now for bench strength; using a program that utilizes 5 singles and then 5 sets of 5 reps. With a lot of success.

    Training for an increase in limit strength will help you break past plateus in size gains. IMO - the biggest contributing factor is the mental part of it... right now you have convinced yourself that 315lbs is a lot of weight. So you are defeating yourself already. Getting under the weight and having a spotter give you a forced rep or two will at least help ease your mind in that direction. And once you have at least "experienced" 315 - 255 will seem like less of a chore. A lot of this is mental.

    BTW - forced reps are not a bad thing. Don't worrry if you can't do it. Just lower it in a controlled fasion and then EXPLODE. If you need help in the positive range... fine. Just don't let someone spot you in the negative. Like I mentioned, this will help your body, and mind, start to recognize the heavier loads.

    Bottomline, eventually being able to do 10 reps of 315 willl translate much better in hypertrophy than being able to do 10 reps of 225. So go for it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Warrior..I love how you have total love for the sport bro.....I think I might have my partner help me with a few neg. with 315...and well see how that goes...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    warm up with 225... then go 275 for 2 or 3.. the 285 for 2.. then giver on 315.. I find my body gives out unless it has time to acustiom to heavey weights.. i do
    135 for 10
    225 for 10
    225 for 10
    315 for 3
    then finally heavey 365 or so till failure

    u want to gradually let ur body get used to heavey weight but u don't want to tire it out before u get there..
    Can't help ya on the 1RPM cause i don't do them .

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    1 rep max i find to be pointless, here is a litle workout i foud is awesome for increasing your 1 rep max if that is really what you are going for. Do a warm up set then start with a weight that you can only do 5 of (no more no less), next set add 10lbs to that and you should only be able to do 4, then 10lb only 3 reps, another 10lbs only 2 reps, and then finish it off by adding another 10 and only doing 1 rep. It is the 54321 workout on bench, i tried this once because my friend wanted to do it, it added 15lbs to my max in a month, even though i do not care maxing is only for people trying to show off and does not giving you the bulk that the woman love. Try that out I am sure you will find you like it.

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