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Thread: Question for Tall Guys...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Question for Tall Guys...

    I'm @ 6' 6 - 6' 7 and I have the hardest time making limbs look big..... and by that I mean arms and legs ...

    I'd like to get some advice from some taller guys that have success with having some crazy mass on their arms and legs and what their secret is....

    I know I'm strong on arms and friends and girls tell me I have big arms but honestly I'm not happy with the proportion to the rest of my body because I have a HUGE rib cage so I have a large frame.

    I'm not going to lie - I slacked on legs for a long time so I know they will come but I know I'm going to run into the same problem just from talking with other tall guys that no matter how much they lift legs they always look like stick legs because of how tall they are.

    Thanks for the help guys...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Same problem here at 6'4", 215lbs. I switch up workouts, tried everything. I think there is no secret, you just have to put on 15lbs to get another inch on your arms and legs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Sorry, but there is nothing special that you can do. Over time you will eventually fill out. It just takes longer for us taller guys.

  4. #4
    ....but when we do, we look better than those short guys!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    It sure has been a problem for me. I'm 6'3 235lbs. Just do the best to taper and get that v look. Just takes alot of work to add mass. Our muscles bellies are generally longer and thinner. The same for pressing movements it's harder to do more weight because of the distance you have to move the weight. I have a friend who has never touched a weight he is 5'9 avg wgt. He can press about 20-30% more than me, talk about discouraging.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by groverman1
    It sure has been a problem for me. I'm 6'3 235lbs. Just do the best to taper and get that v look. Just takes alot of work to add mass. Our muscles bellies are generally longer and thinner. The same for pressing movements it's harder to do more weight because of the distance you have to move the weight. I have a friend who has never touched a weight he is 5'9 avg wgt. He can press about 20-30% more than me, talk about discouraging.
    i have filled out pretty well (tipping the scales at 244 as of this morning) at 6'3. on a smaller frame or body it is easier to tell if they have been 'working out' because 15 pounds of mass translates into a greater % mass increase than someone who is larger.

    based on my past history and current build, i can say that another 15 pounds might make some xl shirts fight tighter, but to the normal person that increase for me is insignificant.

    i am a huge fan of taller guys really hitting their backs hard to get a monstrous looking taper. when i started doing heavy deads several years ago my back blew up, and then really filled out when i started doing weighted chinups and heavy ass pulldowns.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    clearwater fla
    i agree with all these statements im 6'3 and i see all these guys with big arms that r like 5'9. i dont know whats worse being 5'9 or being 6'3 and having to work twice as hard to get the same gains

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Georgia @ 6'8"/290lbs
    I'm 6'8" at around 275 right now. Mr Death is right, it simply takes time. The amount of muscle that it takes to look big is alot more when you have bigger limbs. Tall people unfortunately are at a huge disadvantage in many aspects of this sport. Leverage also being a huge disadvantage. Just keep doing what you know you should do. There is nothing special that tall people can do that will work faster or better. What I did that was beneficial was I tailored my training over the past few years to what works best for me as far as gains. I don't grow any faster than shorter guys but I would say that I have been able at least to keep up with the pack. For instance, you will never see me do flat bench barbell press. I have made better chest gains doing dumbell presses and flyes (incline, flat, and decline). Just pay attention to what works for you and you will grow.

    One thing to remember though is this: Tall people KNOW they can grow!! Good luck bro!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I am 6'4" and 265, any gains I get on my arms and legs are so rewarding. I think us bigger guys will always look more aesthetically pleasing as opposed to the 'stumpy' little arms and legs some people have.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    The other thing I forgot to mention is that we dont get short bloke syndrome! LOL, happy days!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Mobile, AL
    its called 'Napoleon Syndrome' hehehe

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    If you want to put on mass, do mass movements! Squat, deadlift, flat bench, bentover row. Eat like crazy and train like crazy. My friend was a lanky 6'4", 204 lbs, and was dead set in his ways to train like a Joe Weider inspired bodybuilder, and made decent gains. I finally convinced him to train with me in a power lifting routine and in about 6 months he put on 30 lbs of muscle.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    If you want to put on mass, do mass movements! Squat, deadlift, flat bench, bentover row. Eat like crazy and train like crazy. My friend was a lanky 6'4", 204 lbs, and was dead set in his ways to train like a Joe Weider inspired bodybuilder, and made decent gains. I finally convinced him to train with me in a power lifting routine and in about 6 months he put on 30 lbs of muscle.
    30lb of muscle?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    I'm guessing 30lbs, he weighed in at 252, put on some fat, not too much though. It always amazes me that guys who think they are harg gainers have no idea how much food it takes to grow, the guy I'm talking about thought he was eating 4000 calories a day, and when he detailed his diet for me, it turned out he was barely getting 3000 a day. I got him up to 5000 cals, about 400g protein, and in no time he started putting wieght on. IMO, that's what a lot of "hardgainers" are doing wrong.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    I'm guessing 30lbs, he weighed in at 252, put on some fat, not too much though. It always amazes me that guys who think they are harg gainers have no idea how much food it takes to grow, the guy I'm talking about thought he was eating 4000 calories a day, and when he detailed his diet for me, it turned out he was barely getting 3000 a day. I got him up to 5000 cals, about 400g protein, and in no time he started putting wieght on. IMO, that's what a lot of "hardgainers" are doing wrong.
    I was in a pretty similar position to your friend. I was 6'1" around 160lbs. I played a LOT of basketball and lifted, but was never strong or big. I met my (now ex-) girlfriend who was a powerlifter and personal trainer. W/in 1 year i had gained 40 pounds completely naturally. I put on a little fat, but my strength went through the roof and I made such dramatic changes - so many people started saying, wow, you've gotten look great, blah, blah, blah...This was like 2 1/2 years ago now.

    I'm now stuck around 200, but i'm pretty happy where i'm at. I've complained about having a hard time putting on size, especially on my legs...but i couldn't even imagine being taller...especially like mammoth...6'8 dude, that's huge!

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