Hey guys I have some questions about my workout routine. Heres my current workout. sun-back, mon-legs, tues-shoulders/traps, wed-off,thur-tric,fri-bic-sat-chest. I work out for about 1 hour and my sets are 10-8-8-6. I had a guy at the gym tell me i would be better off doing this routine. mon-chest,bic, tues-shoulders/traps,tric, wed-back, thur-legs. then start over and take sun off. He said he has been doing this routine for two years and he is huge. He said to work out around one hour to. But do the sets 12-10-8-8.I know most people wouldnt train a muscle twice a week but he told me that every 4 days a muscle is recovered and needs to be hit again. I am trying to gain muscle mass, i am taking in about 4.000cal a day to. I am 195lbs and 14.4%body fat.I was wondering which routine is better.I would appreciate anyones input on this and if anyone thinks I should try it.