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  1. #1
    Cleaner13's Avatar
    Cleaner13 is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2003

    Attention all Fighters and Toughman contestants

    Ok this is probably a dumb question but I was curious

    I know alot of people have their secrets on sorts of training and stuff

    but I was wondering for all you guys that compete in heavy fighting and or boxing or full contact, what do you guys do to become "tougher"

    I know its a vague question but is there a way that you train that enables you to take more hits and be hurt less and such?

    Im just curious as I would do this for my own personal benefit



  2. #2
    wannagrow is offline New Member
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    In my opinion (and its only that), the only way to become tougher and be able to take more hits, is to take hits and do your fighting training more realistically. someone else might have a few ideas.
    One technique in your actual weight training that can toughen you up is farmers walks, i don't know if that will make you take more hits, but it will give you a new idea of what real pain is.

  3. #3
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    2,769 more no less. Once you become accustomed to a stimulus, mentally you will deal with it much better. How many times you see some putz get punched and his reaction is "ohhh my poor nose....<puts hands up to cover his beatiful bleeding nose>" instead of kepping his guard up, chin down and mentally remaining in the fight.

  4. #4
    hercules88's Avatar
    hercules88 is offline Senior Member
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    i agree con chico... its all about experience and learning how to react.

  5. #5
    octagon is offline New Member
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Cleaner13
    Ok this is probably a dumb question but I was curious

    I know alot of people have their secrets on sorts of training and stuff

    but I was wondering for all you guys that compete in heavy fighting and or boxing or full contact, what do you guys do to become "tougher"

    I know its a vague question but is there a way that you train that enables you to take more hits and be hurt less and such?

    Im just curious as I would do this for my own personal benefit


    weight training in general will make you more resistant to injury. however the only muscles that make you more resistant to head trauma are the often neglected neck muscles. if you get hit, and your head snaps back, this causes additional brain trauma as your brain caroms off the inside of your skull. you want to build a shock absorber, like mike tyson has. i've also found neck work very important in grappling, because if they can control head, they can usually control your body
    Last edited by octagon; 11-13-2003 at 03:46 PM.

  6. #6
    Chino0905 is offline New Member
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    Victoria BC Canada
    Ive got 4 years stand up experience on top of a decent ground game and the best way to TOUGHEN UP is to get in and SPAR 3-4 times a week 2 HARD SPARRING 2 LIGHT give yourself 2 months n see if your still flinching

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