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  1. #1
    zeraphinn's Avatar
    zeraphinn is offline New Member
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    How much more than normal

    My question is this:
    How many times a week and for how long should a workout be when on Gear?
    Hitting every muscle group and attaining maximum gains.

    This will be my second cycle, my first I went from 136 to 157 on Deca / Winni.
    I am currently at 150 and my goal now is 170 lbs.
    This time I currently have (2) Deca 200 and (2) Test 400 along with 100 fina pellets and 42 clomies and some proviron on the way.
    I am still not sure how to put it together in a cycle though.

    I could spend 8 to 10 hours a week in the Gym, I was thinking 4 to 5 sessions 2 hours each. But how to evenly hit each muscle group?

    All suggestions greatly appreaciated.


  2. #2
    BigMike J's Avatar
    BigMike J is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2002
    I workout 45 mins to 1 hour at the most. Works great for me. I get in and i get out. No fucking around.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    2 house each? Umm, well to tell you the truth 2 hours sounds a bit too much bro. I have trained many times for 2 hours but only because either the gym is too buzy, or coz I couldnt get my eyes of the female gym instructor etc etc. But to train 2 hours flat, well IMO thats a bit too much. I train 5 days in a row, and I train for about 1 hour each session. I just dont know what you can do in the gym for so long if you were to train 2 hours per session. Unless you are doing like 3 - 4 body parts per session, which is something I disagree with. Umm, otherwise, like I said bro, I really think that 2 hours in the gym flat out "no stuffin round" like BigMike J said is either over training or doing too many muscle groups and thats why it is taking you that long. Try hitting no more then 2 different muscle groups per session, sometimes only 1 muscle group, and 1 hour maybe just over an hour is more then plenty. But once again if 2 hours of training is doing the job for you, then stick to 2 hours brother.

    Last edited by Gear; 11-20-2003 at 12:13 AM.

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