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  1. #1
    bran76 is offline New Member
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    Question Steroid Workout for beginners???

    Hey fellas,

    I have been trying to get HUGE for 10 years now(27yo). But I'm only 5'8", 154lbs. Too less on and too much off the weights, lots of procastination so...

    Anyways, My bod is just avaeragely build, soft actually; no hard muscle. I've just got myself some dianabol and stanazol(1st time steroid use ) and in need of some good advice from you great people out there regarding cycles for both roids and a Novice Steroid Workout if any to put on mass.

    Thanks for having me,
    Singapore Kid


  2. #2
    popa's Avatar
    popa is offline Senior Member
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    A workout routine? thats kinda hard to make for a person the best thing is to search on this forum and try them all sooner or later you'll find one that works best for you. it took me years and years to find the perfect training routine for myself, I picked and chose certain excersises that my body reacted to the best and put them together, but remember you must change it up every now and then to sock your muscles if you want to promote constent growth

  3. #3
    TheChosen1's Avatar
    TheChosen1 is offline Member
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    Check out

    They have pretty good workouts there, mostly hardcore training.

  4. #4
    znak's Avatar
    znak is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bran76
    Hey fellas,

    I have been trying to get HUGE for 10 years now(27yo). But I'm only 5'8", 154lbs. Too less on and too much off the weights, lots of procastination so...

    Anyways, My bod is just avaeragely build, soft actually; no hard muscle. I've just got myself some dianabol and stanazol(1st time steroid use ) and in need of some good advice from you great people out there regarding cycles for both roids and a Novice Steroid Workout if any to put on mass.

    Thanks for having me,
    Singapore Kid

    Without trying to be an a%%*, I would like to say that if you do not have a a good solid foundation, it ain't time to do roids yet.

    That said, if you want to get big, do the basics- deadlift, squats, bench, weighted dips, weighted pull ups and military press. Eat lots, eat clean and you will put on meat.

  5. #5
    cb25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by znak
    Without trying to be an a%%*, I would like to say that if you do not have a a good solid foundation, it ain't time to do roids yet.

    That said, if you want to get big, do the basics- deadlift, squats, bench, weighted dips, weighted pull ups and military press. Eat lots, eat clean and you will put on meat.
    I agree...sounds like you could progress quite a bit naturally still - take advantage of that. Work on your diet and training - get advice from bros around here on AR...and you'll learn a lot, and you'll progress incredibly. AS is not the answer for you yet.

    As far as your cycle goes...I wouldn't recommend using Dbol and in the steroid forum (if you haven't already done so) and you'll see why...continue researching and learning so you know what you're getting yourself into.

    Hope this helps bro...

  6. #6
    Sven is offline New Member
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    sounds to me you should look over your diet first of all. Probably you eat to little. Remember that when you on gear you metabolism will go up, and you will actually burn more calories,but on most drugs you will also gain alot of water, so will weight more, but it's only water, so before you start your cycle you should look over your diet, if you want to be able to keep any muscles after cycle.


  7. #7
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    Hold off the cycle for a while and get a good solid base to start with.

    As for training you just need to stick to basic heavy compound movements and be dedicated to it.

    Re-evaluate your diet and stick with it. As you put on weight you will need to keep evaluating your caloric intake.

    Then do some research on AAS, cycles, side effects, anciliaries, and post cycle therapy .

    After you accomplish this and feel your ready for AAS start with a test only cycle preferably a long acting single ester test. For 10wks @ 400-500mg/wk.


  8. #8
    dangit's Avatar
    dangit is offline Member
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    You might put on a bit of size by doing gear now, but trust me... if you don't have the rest of your act together, you'll loose all your gains as soon as you go off it and probably crash hard.

    You're best bet is too do the basic mass builder excercises and learn to eat right and eat often.

    Steroids aren't magic drugs. I've seen tons of people on them that don't even look like they work out. You have to do a bunch of other things too to make good gains.

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