Can anyone help me out with a good workout for my calves. i just don't seem to be able to get a decent burn on them.
Can anyone help me out with a good workout for my calves. i just don't seem to be able to get a decent burn on them.
I do them DC style. Explode on the positive, 10 sec negative, 15 sec at bottom in deepest possible stretch, and repeat. Get a watch or watch the clock to make sure you're not cheating yourself. The first few reps are easy, and you'll wonder why you're even doing it, around 4,5,6 you start to feel, around 8 or 9 it starts to hurt and if you got ball you make it to 12, I swear this almost made me cry today, its not the positive that is the hard part, its the fuck stretch that kills.
I superset them with all my leg exercises. If I am doing squats then I do calf raises with the bar on my shoulder. If I am doing legpress then I do them with the press machine. Then when I move to lungs, extentions, curls, ect.... I use the calf machines. I also do alot of reps.
Put enough weight on so you can just bang 15 hard reps out. You're working to 100 reps. Hit the 15 reps then wait 10 sec and bang out as many as you can. wait 10sec again and bang out as many as you can. Keep going like that until you hit 100. The first time tryied this i couldn't walk the next day.
Enjoy the pain![]()
I just started a new calve work out of 50 to 100 for five total sets and it burns like a mother Fu#@er I just started it so I am not to sure on the gains yet but everyone is different.
I always make sure to do both seated and standing calf raises, but my form is more or less the same for both types. I use a controlled rep, explosive on the way up, slower on the negative (kind of like saboudian, but not as long of a negative) and I make sure to get a full stretch at the bottom. Make sure you're working through a full ROM, otherwise you're cheating yourself.
I usually start w/ seated calves, then move on to standing calf raises on the smith machine (my fav) or on an actual calf raise machine.
As always, go heavy and hard...
If that doesn't work, start tossing in some plyos - i've been doing this, and plyos for years...and I've always had pretty strong calves
i started making decent gains when i started doing calves 1st in my leg routine instead of last
That style is similar to mine,but I hit them 4 x wkly,that's how they grow for me and I have 19 1/2 calves.Originally Posted by cb25
I load up the plates and bang out 30-40 reps...............but the kicker is I don't start counting the reps until they start burning. Talk about hurt! Five sets seated, five sets standing and then 3 or 4 sets of donkey raises twice a week.
I hate working doubt.
Wow juggernaut that sound like it would make me cry! I'll try it tommorow!
i usually hit mine twice weekly...i'm at 17.5" but i'm only 200lbs and i do way too much cardio...Originally Posted by Da Bull
I been hitting my calves twice per week and it wirks good for me so far.
Here is one bigol'legs worked up for me............and it burns like a mofo...
Sure born....
Seated calf-raise.. 4 sets.. triple drop on each set
Standing calf-raise on the smith.. 4 sets.. pyramid up
Single calf-raise with a DB.. 4 sets.. pyramid up
Heel raises on the edge of platform... 4 sets.. bodyweight 20 reps.
I also like what Jugg posted...........gonna try that next week.
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