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  1. #1
    will86 is offline Banned
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    Atkins for cutting

    Hey i was thinkikng about going on the atkins for a cutting phase. is there a way in which i should approach the diet w/o a big loss in muscle mass?

  2. #2
    Gearhead007 is offline Associate Member
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    Atkins is for lazy unmotivated office workers... Not people that workout like you.

    My best cutting diet, is I just reduce my fat intake as much as possible (almost zero), and my carbs about 20%.

    Keep the protein shakes coming at the normal amount as long as you are still blasting in the gym.

  3. #3
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    I actually like the Atkins diet for cutting. But I modify it a little as Gearhead007 mentioned, for those of us who work out or even hit the gym hard, we'll need the carbs to retain our muscle. I usually slowly taper down my carbs. For 5 days I'll run 200g Carb, then I'll take it down to 150g Carb and after another 5 days, I'll take it down to 100g Carb. I'll eventually get it down to around the 50g Carb mark. Once I'm at that point, I carb load every 4th day.

    So it looks like this...

    Day 1-5
    300g Protein
    200g Carb
    50g Fat

    Day 6-10
    300g Protein
    150g Carb
    75g Fat

    Day 11-15
    300g Protein
    100g Carb
    100g Fat

    Day 16 on I keep it at the bottom four days...

    Day 1-3
    300g Protein
    50g Carb
    100g Fat

    Day 4
    300g Protein
    300g Carb
    50g Fat

    Then repeat Day 1

    I notice with the carb loading it gives me back some energy I lose and it helps hold onto a lot of muscle while dieting. I feel too flat on a complete No-Carb, not to mention it's very difficult for me to do.

  4. #4
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    What about running a ckd outline. I am going to try that one out once i get the basics down

  5. #5
    slamd097's Avatar
    slamd097 is offline Banned
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    **** atkins...i just wanted to say that to see the star thingies.

    I have never had any luck with that blasted diet from hell. Everytime I tried to go on it, i would get dizzy and co9uldn't finish any of my work outs. Your body needs protien and a few carbs to burn while you are killing muscle. I wouldn't cut them out totally, or reduce them to a meager amount. I would just limit them after a certian time.

    I always get a little crazy with the carbs before I work out, so I have something to sustain me. But after I work out I tend to limit my intake of carbs.

  6. #6
    runner_79 is offline New Member
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    The food list...

    Looks good.
    Can you give me a run Down on the days of 150g,100g and your 50g carb days please.each meal etc.appreciate it

    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL View Post
    I actually like the Atkins diet for cutting. But I modify it a little as Gearhead007 mentioned, for those of us who work out or even hit the gym hard, we'll need the carbs to retain our muscle. I usually slowly taper down my carbs. For 5 days I'll run 200g Carb, then I'll take it down to 150g Carb and after another 5 days, I'll take it down to 100g Carb. I'll eventually get it down to around the 50g Carb mark. Once I'm at that point, I carb load every 4th day.

    So it looks like this...

    Day 1-5
    300g Protein
    200g Carb
    50g Fat

    Day 6-10
    300g Protein
    150g Carb
    75g Fat

    Day 11-15
    300g Protein
    100g Carb
    100g Fat

    Day 16 on I keep it at the bottom four days...

    Day 1-3
    300g Protein
    50g Carb
    100g Fat

    Day 4
    300g Protein
    300g Carb
    50g Fat

    Then repeat Day 1

    I notice with the carb loading it gives me back some energy I lose and it helps hold onto a lot of muscle while dieting. I feel too flat on a complete No-Carb, not to mention it's very difficult for me to do.

  7. #7
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    I wouldn't recommend

  8. #8
    Kawigirl's Avatar
    Kawigirl is offline Knowledgeable~Female Member
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    I agree with Slimjoe....sticking to a basic bb'ing almost similar...and imo; a tad smarter nutrition wise. And, I would probably say exact results regarding physique.
    Last edited by Kawigirl; 03-07-2011 at 02:23 PM.

  9. #9
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    ^^yup, unless your on gear I'd say away from any type of Ketogenic diet

  10. #10
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why the hate on Keto diets, It's prob the single most effective diet for getting down into single digit BF% that absolute quickest while keeping muscle. Not only that most people aren'y hungry 24/7 like on other diets, and on keto diets you get to eat pizza,bagels, oreos and captain crunch. Keto diets seems to work very well for the majority of people I would consider it.

    Edit: I am referring to a CKD diet where you go no carbs monday-late saturday then carb load for 24 hours then 5 oclock sunday back to no carbs
    Last edited by Machdiesel; 03-07-2011 at 04:45 PM.

  11. #11
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    ^^yup, unless your on gear I'd say away from any type of Ketogenic diet
    I think it's the exact opposite. If you are on gear you don't need a keto diet you can keep your cals relativly high, get stronger AND drop bf. When you are not on gear this is almost impossible, and the keto diet allows you to keep as much muscle as possible while dieting down

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