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Thread: workout routine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    workout routine

    Hey guys im 5'7 190lbs about 14%body fatI eat roughly 3,500cal a day. I have been currently working each muscle one day a week and making decent gains now im thinking of going to a routine like this
    then mon start on back and so on. i have heard if u can hit a muscle twice a week u will grow twice as fast. I just wanted some input on this routine thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Oregon Coast
    Whats up brothers did not have much to do so I thought I would post my workout and get input ..I have done everything as far as routines go ..Metal Militia ,Hit ,HST ,5 day splits so on and so on..I have ALWAYS given a fare amount of time to every routine I have ever done ... And this is the only thing that I feel has given real results as far as size goes ,Now I did make good strength gains in others but when it comes to size this is what has worked unreal for me ......

    Monday chest ,shouldrs tris
    Incline BB Press 10x10
    superset flat bench ,or flys 10x10

    BB shoulder press 10x10
    super set lat raises 10x10

    dips 10x10
    super set push downs 10x10

    tuesday Back ,legs, and bis
    Pull downs 10x10
    super set BB Rows 10x10

    Leg press 10x15
    superset hack squats 10x15

    Incline DB curls 10x10
    super set closegrip preacher curls 10x10

    rest wednesday
    thursday repeat modays lifts
    friday repeat tuesdays lifts
    saterday rest
    sunday rest

    I dont go to failure but stop short about a rep or two .I found that for me doing less weight but more volume has always worked for me . Workng the whole body twice a week just keeps me growing .I will often change the exersises just to change things around from time to time but other than that everything stays the same ..I found that In my HIT days I was just not strong enough to stimulate growth to where I could work one muscle group every 9-12 days and if anything as far as size goes I would stay the same strength would go up each time but the size was just not following ..The one bodypart a week was better for me than the HIT because I could work the muscle throughly and let it rest a week then do it again .The only problem I had with this was that my muscle would be ready to lift again around 72hrs later and by me waiting to work that muscle again I feel that that again I was waiting to long and could have been working that muscle again sooner ....Anways the above routine has always given gains .I believe that the key is to not go to failure and increase the volume ...The last reps are always hard but I will stop short of failure so I can get in more sets..I looked into other routines just to see if I would respond to them as well as I did to the above routine but was let down .The only thing that I did really enjoyed was Metal Militia that routine was brutal but I can tell you this if you want a big bench do Metal Militia .In three months I gained 50Ibs on my bench max naturally ....But I overtrained alot with the routine as well ... Anyways Im not baging on anyway of training at all just board and thought I would put down was has worked for me and is working for me for size ....Peace


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by rk713
    Hey guys im 5'7 190lbs about 14%body fatI eat roughly 3,500cal a day. I have been currently working each muscle one day a week and making decent gains now im thinking of going to a routine like this
    then mon start on back and so on. i have heard if u can hit a muscle twice a week u will grow twice as fast. I just wanted some input on this routine thanks.
    Here's what I think bro......u have to remember that when u do chest your gonna hit tris and delts some as u have it u will be hitting delts/tris 2 days worth of workouts and 2 days of indirect work(from chest workout)....that's 4 times in 6 days....I would think that would lead to some serious overtraining.

    Personally I don't like to hit back the day before legs...if my back is sore and not totally recovered then it hurts my leg workout....back and abs play a major role when doing squats.

    I have not read or heard that working a muscle twice per week will make it grow twice as fast.....that doesn't sound realistic.....there are many different ways to workout.....some use 5 days a week(one major muscle group per day)...some workout 4 days per week with a break in the middle....some workout 3 days per week(with 2 breaks in each week)doing pressing movements, pulling movements, and legs....some hit the gym 6 days per have to find what works best for you.....personally 5 days per week works best for me.

    If ya want to hit some muscles twice per week then I would suggest something like this:
    mon - chest/tris
    tues - legs
    wed - delts/calves
    thurs - back/bis
    fri - chest/tris
    sat - off
    sun - off
    mon - legs
    and so on
    I do not do this routine but know someone in my gym that does and they like it alot....good luck to ya bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Thanks for the input. i was thinking that was alot to i wasnt sure. do u guy think this workout will work better.
    and so on.doing several warmup sets and one working set for each bodypart.I was reading doggcraps post and it makes sense to me.I think its worth a try.Anyones thoughts on this will be greatly appreciated if anyone thinks i should modify anything.If anyone thinks i should change it this routine let me know.thanks
    Last edited by rk713; 12-02-2003 at 07:32 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I have been reading that alot of people like doggcraps method. I have been lifting for about a year now.If anyone thinks I should change up his routine let me know thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Oregon Coast
    What does your reps and sets look like?? I think your routine looks good however not sure as to what your doing with reps and sets, Are you going to dailure or just short of it ......CDOG

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