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Thread: routine help

  1. #1

    routine help

    hey, due to my schedule i cannot work out on tues and thurs. Does anyone know of a good routine where going to the gym 3-4 a week is good?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Oregon Coast
    This has worked great for me
    day1 chest,shoulders tri 10x10 for all three lifts
    day2 legs back bis 10x10 for all three lifts
    day1 lifts again
    day 2 lifts again
    rest .
    I will do incline BB press 10x10 superseted with flys 10x10 ,Then move on to BB Press 10x10,superseted with lat raises 10x10, then I will go into dips 10x10 ,superseted with pushdowns .

    day 2 will be hack squats superseted with leg ex 10x10
    then Ill move on to back .front pull downs or wide grip pull ups superseted with BB Rows 10x10 ,Then Ill move on to arms .Incline DB curls superseted with hammer curls 10x10 .....This program has always added size and still does ..Ilove this routine because I can hit everything twice a week ....The trick is to NOT GO TO FAILURE ON ANYTHING!!!! Stay short of failure a rep or 2 ...By doing this you can get in more work ...Good Luck CDOG

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by will86
    hey, due to my schedule i cannot work out on tues and thurs. Does anyone know of a good routine where going to the gym 3-4 a week is good?
    I have the same problem. Because of my work schedule I can only get to the gym 4x s/wk(maybe 5). I always work 3 major muscle groups(excluding abs) 2x s/wk. Like:
    Sun: Work
    Mon: Chest, tris, bis, abs
    Tue: Legs, back, shoulders, abs
    Wed: Work
    Thu: Same as Mon.
    Fri: Same as Tue.
    Sat: Work
    Cardio 4x s/wk
    I've using this routine for some time now and it seems to work pretty well. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by will86
    hey, due to my schedule i cannot work out on tues and thurs. Does anyone know of a good routine where going to the gym 3-4 a week is good?
    7(days a week) - 2 (days you can't workout) = 5. Why can you only workout 3-4 times. If you are serious about getting into shape you have to find the time to workout no matter what.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by whiteykauai
    bro, tuesday must be hell!!! how can you do legs, back and shoulders, and abs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats crazy...... you are working the two biggest muscle groups the same day. wow
    Actually its not that bad once I got use to it and got into a routine. Notice how I take an entire day off from the gym after that workout. LOL.

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