does anyone include olympic lifts in their workouts? if so, how do you run the sets/reps?
does anyone include olympic lifts in their workouts? if so, how do you run the sets/reps?
no, that's powerlifting lifts, i mean snatch, clean and press, etc.
I like to throw olympic lifts in here and there, only for kicks tho, to see what can do and make sure I'm still strong... I love to clean and jerk, when I do it usually I'll put a weight up that I know I can do then go up to my max (just to see what I can get up) then I'll usually try snatch for what I can do, thats one of my favs... then I'll do a few sets, get real tired real quick tho, usually for 8 reps at a time or so.
yeah, that's why i wanted someone who does these regularly to say how they run their reps, sets, they take so much out of you, it's almost impossible to do high reps, i usually end the set out of breath and feelling like i just ran a marathon, who am i kidding, i'm fat, it feels like i just walked down a flight of stairs!
LMAO!!! Yeah they really do leave you winded.. awesome lifts though, I love throwing heavy things over my head! No lift makes me happier... well maybe deadliting.
i wanna lift with you one day dude, imagine that, two big dudes walk in the gym and just start tearing up the place, deadlifting the power rack, snatching the weight trees! awesome!!!![]()
Yeah definatly, except I always feel small at the gym... well not always but sometimes there is some real huge freaks in there!!! And they put up SERIOUS weights... for REPS at that!!!! The only difference is I could still feel like a monster and tear the gym apart because I hardly ever see anyone deadlifting, let alone doing clean and jerks, snatch... would be awesome!!!
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