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Thread: what can i do with what i have

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    what can i do with what i have

    Let me start by saying hello to all. I have been reading posts and threads here for a while before actually writing one myself. I have gathered some awesome information and learned a lot from just reading. Now I want to ask you all a question that I hope makes sense.

    I have restricted equipment as far as dumbells and leg machines go. I do have a bench that is capable of inclineing, declineing, and of course regular bench presses. I have more than enough weight to perform all of those lifts properly and to exhaustion. I do not have a lot of problems with targeting any areas but my problem comes with the workout.

    I was wondering if any of you could give me a basic 5 day workout plan that can be done without the machines and etc. Thanks in advance for the help!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    What are your goals, bulking up I assume?

    Remember Lower reps higher wieght = strength & mass Higher reps lower weight = cuts.

    If you just trying to pack on some muscle you could do something like this.

    Monday and Thursday

    Cardio Morning

    Bench 3 X 8 (sets) (reps)
    DB Flys: 3 X 10
    Military press: 3 X 8
    Dips (you can set up something to do them on): 3 X 10 (or whatever your capable of)
    French Press: 3 x 8
    Abs and Calves to failure

    Tuesday and Friday

    Cardio Morning

    Bent Over Rows: 3 X 8
    WG Chins (check out a chin bar/dip bar in one setup) 3 X As many as you can
    BB Curl: 3 X 8
    Hammer Curl: 3 X 8
    BB Squat: 3 X 8
    Leg Ext: 3 X 10 (if you dont have the attachment stick to squats and lunges)
    Leg Curl: 3 X 10
    Abs and Forearms to failure

    Off Wednesday

    If you can't do it twice a week keep trying till you can. Eat properly and adjust your cardio according to how lean you are and where you wanna be. Do it for about 8 weeks and the revise the program.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    So what youre saying is all you have is this bench and some weights and nothing else? That and you want to learn how to do exercises in a workout routine weekly without actually going to the gym like just staying home in your living room stuff? Let me know I can whip one up for you. I'd rather see you hit the gym though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chest.. Obviuos
    Back.. Db rows.. incline pulls (chest on the bench pulling the weight up)
    Shoulders.. presses, raises
    bi/tri.. easy enough
    legs... Do you have a bar and plates? .. you can get pretty exotic with squats,lunges,SLD, and regular deads (hehe back excercise)

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