how many sets and reps per bodypart when trying to get ripped and should you do a training split or not
thanks swole
how many sets and reps per bodypart when trying to get ripped and should you do a training split or not
thanks swole
to bulk = lift heavy
to cut = lift heavy + diet + cardio
Higher reps, moderate weight...try to keep your heart rate up so you can burn calories, don't take too many minutes in between sets also
4-5 sets per exercise at 10-12 reps per set... Use the amount of weight that on your very last couple reps is difficult...go till failure...
Be consistent, but don't over train you'll just burn yourself out
Good luck man
I would always lift as heavy as possible as our brother scottninpo has stated ... Ummm As most know Im really into working the whole body 2-3 times per week .This has always given great gains .. Now as far as reps go for cuting I would recomend you try a split like this
Day 1 chest ,shoulders ,tris
Day 2 legas back and bis
day3 rest
start cycle again .
I would do 10sets of 8-10 on all excersies staying short of failure a rep or two working only one excersie per muscle group .You should always move pretty fast through your workout a maxof 1 min rest from set to set . And around 2 min after completion of total sets .Good luck .CDIZZLE
i read in your other post that you plan on running tren and prop, take advantage of the strenght gain you'll be getting to get stronger to grow more muscle, more muscle means more fat burning potential, and again watch your diet!!!!!!
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