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Thread: Have a bicept question for you pros here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho

    Have a bicept question for you pros here

    Okay, I have a bicept ?. Okay, what is a good exercise for the inner bicept. The part of the arm under your arm. For instance, when you pick up your arm the under most part of the bicept, just above the lower tricept. I find that my "outer" bicept looks great, but that cut that I like when I lift my arm, and do an inner pose, looks like crap. But when I do a back pose, my outer bicept looks great, but don't let me turn around and do a frontal pose, they start laughting. Does that make sense? I do concentrated curls, barbell curls, and dumbell curls. Is there a special hand or grip that need to work this part? Please help guys.

  2. #2
    ptbyjason Guest
    Sorry man, I really don't understand exactly where you are talking about on the arm. Not the tricep, right? Somewhere on the inner bicep. Do you mean the very middle, or near the top?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Okay, when you are posing with a back shot with your arms up that is the outer Bicept. When you turn around and do that same pose that part of the lower bicept that is just above the lower Tricept. Kinda like that egg shaped part of the Bicept. The lower part of the bicept that kinda seperates the bicept from the lower tricept. I want to get that cut that you can see where the bicept is seperated from the tricept. Hope this is more clearer. If you were to take your arms and lay them flat in front of you as if to be typing on a keyboard, flip your arms to the underside, that part of the bicept. I dont' know how to describe it more.

  4. #4
    ptbyjason Guest
    Best suggestions would probably be to continue what you are doing and give it time. You seem to be doing the right exercises. I can't think of a whole lot else right now. Just keep working hard, and it will come along. Stick with the straight bar, concentrated and dumbell curls. For some variety you can try a preacher curl and incline dumbell curls.

    You from La? What part. I was born in Monroe (Northeast corner)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Use the preacher seat, DB, start in a regular position for a curl, extended downward turning into a hammer curl, lower to a 90 degree angle, on the way down count to 8 and then pull back up rotating at the top to a regular curl position. Use a weight you comfortable with, alternate each arm of course and do 3 sets of 10. Read that this works to make your bicep stand up a bit more and I have seen good results from this motion. I use it at the end of my bicep workout. The rest of my bicep workout is pretty standard, start with straight bar or chamber 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 increasing weight all the way through, then I move onto a super set of standing DB curls and seated on incline, arms hanging DB curls I do 20/10 which works out to 10/5 per arm. 3 sets 20/10 is a goal and then fatigue dictates the rest. Works for me and my BRO, Biceps are full, perky, and defined. Might also want to incorporate some chinups on your back day, my biceps always feel a little sore from them, don't have any proof on that one though, just the way it feels. Peace

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Tanks Veggie, I do those. I guess I just need to keep doing it. I want my bicept to have that "egg" shape, I guess, I want to much. I know some exercises cause the bicept to become long, mine are. I want that Peak look. That round perfectly sculted bicept. Guess I need to get on some good "gear".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    gear is GREAT but always exhaust your possibillities before you make the decision to use AS. Look towards your diet, increase your calories and Protein intake, take creatine and glutamine, get plenty of rest, follow your program, keep work out logs etc..... Then when you have everything in place and you can't seem to move past that plateau, research and then consider AS. Just a thought

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I have done "gear" before, and got really good results, so I guess I am kinda spoiled I guess. Just tryin to do it naturally, is hard, I hate to be a cheater, but once you've done it, it is hard to be natural and have the same results. Just was trying to get some imput on the bicept quesion, cause I never had that prolem before, well now that I am natural anyways. Hell it is to early in the morning to be thinkin about stuff like this.. haaa..
    Hadn't had my breakfast yet.. nor my coffee, (which I don't drink)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    for the inner bicep i lie down on an incline and curl upwards trying to keep my hands as far back as they go. Helps build the lower bicep (inner bicep)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I think your talking about the inner medial head of the bicep? if so it should form naturally with bicep growth after all it is used in most of the curling movements.I have found that if you flex your arm tightley it disappears if you flex it and relax it from the full lock up it will still appear!!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Yeah Billy I have tried it, and you are correct, of course, I have heard to make your bicepts look better, do more tricept exercises, so I have increased both of those, and found that it is getting better. Thanks for ya'll advice. Ya'll is how we say "you all" in the south by the way..

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