ok before I say anything here are my stats
20 years old
working out for about 9 years(6 were more the serious ones whereas the first 3 were learning experiences)
some stats (flexed)
chest 39 inches
waist 32inches
thighs 23
calves 17.5
biceps 15
forearms 11.5
first and foremost I am very happy with my body and am glad it has come so far and to be honest after finding this website I have made the most improvements within this past year. Now recently I have added cardio into my workouts for my days off, I do the day on and next day off training, so the days off I do the cardio. I started about 2 weeks or so ago and do it for 30 mins on a treadmill, not a walk or run but about as fast as you can walk without going into a run.
My diet is pretty decent(everything can always be improved and I know that) I take in probably about 20-30 grams of fat at most a day, about 100 carbs and about 100-150 protein. Now I know thats not alot of protein (especially to you guys) but I dont think its a problem regarding my situation anyway since Im talking about fat loss and not having muscle size.
Recently I started taking clen and am doing the 2 week on 2 week off cycle. I take it roughyl 30 mins prior to cardio which I do in the morning on an empty stomach.
What else can I do to start trimming away some of this extra fat, its not that it looks bad or anything like that its on the lower part of my stomach (slightly) and proably spread over lightly throughout my ab region(but abs are still noticeable just not very noticeable)
I realize regardless where the fat is it doesnt matter since you cant make it disappear from a single sight but it was just to get more detail in.
thanks alot guys I appreciate everything