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Thread: question regarding cardio with fat loss etc

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    question regarding cardio with fat loss etc

    ok before I say anything here are my stats

    20 years old

    working out for about 9 years(6 were more the serious ones whereas the first 3 were learning experiences)

    some stats (flexed)

    chest 39 inches
    waist 32inches
    thighs 23
    calves 17.5
    biceps 15
    forearms 11.5

    first and foremost I am very happy with my body and am glad it has come so far and to be honest after finding this website I have made the most improvements within this past year. Now recently I have added cardio into my workouts for my days off, I do the day on and next day off training, so the days off I do the cardio. I started about 2 weeks or so ago and do it for 30 mins on a treadmill, not a walk or run but about as fast as you can walk without going into a run.

    My diet is pretty decent(everything can always be improved and I know that) I take in probably about 20-30 grams of fat at most a day, about 100 carbs and about 100-150 protein. Now I know thats not alot of protein (especially to you guys) but I dont think its a problem regarding my situation anyway since Im talking about fat loss and not having muscle size.

    Recently I started taking clen and am doing the 2 week on 2 week off cycle. I take it roughyl 30 mins prior to cardio which I do in the morning on an empty stomach.

    What else can I do to start trimming away some of this extra fat, its not that it looks bad or anything like that its on the lower part of my stomach (slightly) and proably spread over lightly throughout my ab region(but abs are still noticeable just not very noticeable)
    I realize regardless where the fat is it doesnt matter since you cant make it disappear from a single sight but it was just to get more detail in.

    thanks alot guys I appreciate everything


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    if your really eating only 1270 cals a day, you're starving yourself, i don't think your caloric measurements are accurate, but if they are, you need to eat more, if you keep your cals that low, your body will be eating it's own muscle as well as burning fat for energy, remember, muscle is the engine that burns the fat and if you lose the muscle, your killing the engine, figure out a better diet before you do anything else, i would double your fat and protein intake as a good start

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Agree with above and speaking of sparing muscle dont do cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. You will burn as much muscle as fat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BigWill
    Agree with above and speaking of sparing muscle dont do cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. You will burn as much muscle as fat.

    well Im probably way off on the intake then I was just taking a guess and maybe I take alot more protein in then I think

    on the other hand wouldnt doing cardio on a stomach with food kind of defeat the purpose considering all that work will go into burning the food and nothing extra?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    so many opinions about cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. I kno w i had the problem of burning muscle for energy last year when dieting. I was doing way to much cardio at way to high intensity (80-90% of mhr) and not eating enough at all. Yeah i got lean and had nice abs for the summer , but was a little on the scrawny side. How do keep from eating muscle while losing fat??? More protein, glutamine??? I am now trying to keep hr at 60-65 % which i dont have to work very hard to get at when taking an eca. I use a polar heart rate montior to keep in the 60%-65% zone.
    Last edited by k_kingston; 01-19-2004 at 04:20 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    also, will clen help target fat loss while keeping muscle from being used? kind of working as an anti-catabolic?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by BigWill
    Agree with above and speaking of sparing muscle dont do cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. You will burn as much muscle as fat.
    I disgree. Cardio on an empty stomach is only muscle sparing when your diet does not support a positive nitrogen balance and create an anabolic environment. If your diet is spot on...cardio on an empty stomach is your best choice to decrease the fat cells. I only lost 4lbs of weight in the last month while dropping my bodyfat 5 percentage points. Thanks to morning cardio and my diet!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    I disgree. Cardio on an empty stomach is only muscle sparing when your diet does not support a positive nitrogen balance and create an anabolic environment. If your diet is spot on...cardio on an empty stomach is your best choice to decrease the fat cells. I only lost 4lbs of weight in the last month while dropping my bodyfat 5 percentage points. Thanks to morning cardio and my diet!

    do you try to keep your hr at a certain zone?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by k_kingston
    do you try to keep your hr at a certain zone?
    Yes, usually in the 65-75% range. I can reach it through a fast paced walk. Anything more and you risk crossing the line of fat loss and muscle loss.

    So yes morning cardio is a bad idea...thats if your performing an aerobic activity such as jogging.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    In a House
    Kingston......the polar heart rate monitor it is very effective to getting an accurate measure of your heart rate? I want to buy one and was wondering does it really work well and if so what one do you have?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    yes mourning cardio is the best ..... will only burn muscle above a certain heart rate. and at that heart rate it stops burning fat and works your aerobic muscles!

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