Just wanted to see what everyone thought about my upper body workout. That's me in the avatar, or you can go to
to get a better feel for what I'm lacking. I don't have access to many free weights, so most of the routine is done on machines.
Tuesday: Chest/Tris
4X8 Machine Bench Press
4X8 Pec Deck (Butterflys)
3X8 Cable Crossovers
4X8 Tricep extensions
4X8 Tricep Pulldowns
2X10 Kickbacks
Thursday: Shoulders/Abs
4X8 dumbell vertical raises (not sure actual name, had brain fart)
3X8 Front Raises
4X8 Lateral Raises
3X8 Bent Lateral Raises
4X25 Heavy weighted pull-down crunches
Friday: Back/Bis
4X8 medium weight dumbell curls
4X8 EZ Bar curls (heavy)
3X8 Isolation Curls
4X8 Lat Pulldowns
3X8 Lat Pulldowns (facing bar, close grip, pulling toward stomach)
3X8 Bent Rows
3X15 Shrugs
Thanks for looking, let me know if you think I could be over training anything or if you can look at the picture and tell if anything is majorly underworked (prob. lats)