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Thread: New GUY WITH Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    New GUY WITH Questions

    Hello Everyone, I was recommeded to this site to find helpful people and I have been reviewing the post and everyone here seem knowledgeable. I was wondering if anyone can help me out.

    I am 24yrs old 6' 5" 206lbs body fat of 14. I want to loose some fat and build more muscles and have a nice set of abs. I have love handles that I would definately like to get rid off. I dont want to loose weight, i want to weight about 215 or 220. I was wondering what experiences you all have about what work outs to do and what supliments to buy?

    In the past year I have worked out and saw some results, but I stopped working about about 3months ago. I want to get back on track and see results, I know I cant see results immediately, but I will like to speed things up.

    Thanks guy, i know its long

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Protein powder, glutamine, creatine, and some ECAs.

    Gaining weight, and getting your six pac at the same time can be ruff. Try putting on some bulk first and then strip it away. You sound pretty lean. So, you're a natural ecto. . .gaining might be a little more difficult for an ecto, then let's say a endo or meso.

    If you would rather get cut, than decrease cals 500 below your maintenance and cardio 3-4X week for 30-40min.

    But, i advise throw on some mass before you cut up, because if you cut now, you're gonna end up around the 190s and you;re going to look skinny. If you end up with even just another 10 lbs of LBM when all is said and done, it can work wonders for your physique.

    Good luck bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Thanks for the welcome guys, What types of protein or Glutamine should i use? I know working out and building muscles takes time, but whats the fastest and safest way to do it?


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