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Thread: No2 ?'s

  1. #1

    No2 ?'s

    Does No2 disserve t he hype. If you took it, were you satisfied. how much did you gain and did you loose anything when coming off

    also, for my weight, i will take 4 caps twice daily. Are you supposed to take the four all together, or space them out trhoughout the morning

    also, i hear you are supposed to cycle off creatine for 10 days.
    What i read Briefly (now i cant find that add) is kind of confusing.
    do I
    A. today, go off creatine, in 10 days start NO2 and creatine or
    B. Stop taking creatine today, start NO2 tomarro, then 10 days later add creatine back in(i think it is B but i just want to be certain)
    i hope i didnt make that confusing

    any help would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    .. u stop taking the creatine today,start no2 tomorrow ... take the no2 for 10 days then start taking the creatine again along with the no2.... it is supposed to supercharge the creatine or something... well thats what it said in the book i bough ton No2....
    also ur supposed to take the caps twice daily...... as soon as u wake up and 30 min prior or after ur lunch, if ur taking 4 a day take 2 in the morn and 2 before lunch.......... i was taking 8 when i was on it......i found it worked better, and gave me some good woodies.. hahah... good luck...make sure and drink atleast 62 ounces of water while on it....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i gained a couple pounds, and i didnt use the creatine with it... u could probably buy better things for the price it is.....

  4. #4
    Dam, sorry i put this in the wrong section..honost mistake, thanks for the help bros

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    one work , NO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    no2 is alright, i'm almost done with it, but it dodnt do anything that eating a lot couldnt do.

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