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Thread: Free Weights or Machine Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Free Weights or Machine Help

    Whats up guys. I am about to start the Doggcrapp Workout to try and see some more growth.

    I have always been told that if you are skinny it is extremely important to do free weights for stabilizer muscles and so on. But those of you familiar with DC's workout see that it requires quite a bit of spotting. I have never found someone reliable enough to be a training partner. My question is this:

    Is it more important that I use free weights and not push to my total ability or use the help rack(im not sure the exact name--olympic bar on the track that you can lock out any position) and push all the way with full intensity without a spotter.

    Any suggs?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by ectogainer
    Is it more important that I use free weights and not push to my total ability or use the help rack(im not sure the exact name--olympic bar on the track that you can lock out any position) and push all the way with full intensity without a spotter.
    Smith Machine

    why don't you just ask someone to spot you when you need it ??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Great White North
    You're talking about the Smith Machine. You probably don't want to use it alot, it can be hard on your muscles and joints because of the strict ROM. I only use it for military presses cause my god**** gym got rid of the old shoulder press station.

    I typically workout alone, and just grab some random dude when I need a spotter, no one ever seems to mind. I'll usually use a different guy for incline bench than I did for decline bench, just so I'm not bugging ppl too much. If you're timid or something about this I would just find someone about to start squats or whatever, work in with them and you guys can spot each other.

    And yes: always use free weights (unlees injured).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Smith machine--got it--i thought that was it but didnt want to get the wrong point acroos

    thats what i have always done--is ask a random guy to spot me--but my two new issues are:
    1) the DC workout will require a longer than usual with the rest pauses (8 reps-15sec-4 reps-15sec-2 reps)
    2) some of the days i workout nobody--literally nobody (or this tiny little girl)--are in the gym

    I definately want to stick to the free weights though--if i have to use the smith machine every once and a while--will it make that big of a difference?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ectogainer
    2) some of the days i workout nobody--literally nobody (or this tiny little girl)--are in the gym
    so ask someone that works there. they never mind. if they do, tough titty.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    haha ---tough titty--i like that
    the only problem with that one is that the little girl is the one working there ****ty

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Great White North
    If you absolutely must use the Smith then use it.

    What the hell? You only take a 15 second rest? What are you superman?

    Man I wish I had the problem of noone in the gym. I'm lucky if I dont get my feet stepped on 30 times per workout.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    haha its a blessing and a curse when nobody's there

    the 15 second thing is new to me--im just trying it tom.----its the DC workout

    RP7 - if you have a s h i t-ton of time and want to read something interesting give this a look:

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Free weights are the best.. I think of it this way, if your goin heavy and you dont have a spotter you HAVE to get the weight up no matter what, just get in that mind set, thats what i do. I add weight evry time and i never think what happens if I dont lift it, I just lift it.

  10. #10
    LM1332 Guest
    tiny girl = tiny nvm anywho yea i mean if no one to spot go for smith if anything use cables or machines.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Great White North
    Quote Originally Posted by ectogainer
    haha its a blessing and a curse when nobody's there

    the 15 second thing is new to me--im just trying it tom.----its the DC workout

    RP7 - if you have a s h i t-ton of time and want to read something interesting give this a look:
    Ectogainer, I read that thread and found it awesome. I posted a question at the bottom of it... PM me if you can help me!

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