Which excersises give you a big chest.And reps.I want about 1/2 inch gap between chest and ribs.
Which excersises give you a big chest.And reps.I want about 1/2 inch gap between chest and ribs.
Incline bench
Decline bench
Flat bench
That's the order that I rate them.
Chest is a large Muscle group. Ya gotta get heavy! To grow!
I personnally like incline bench at a 30 degree angle, this works the entire chest and doesn't hit the anterior delts to the same degree as a 45 degree angle. And I should say Dorian told me this, so I think he's right LOL.
I also like dips, flies and cable cross-overs, If you want to expand the rip cage you need to do d.b pull-overs. A good rib cage is the basis of abig chest.
Ms Figure
As you may have figured out, there is no specific exercise that will give you what you want. Everyone is different we each have strong genetic bodyparts and different types of fibers. The best thing you can do is be instictive...try a variety of movements (heavy/low reps, to lighter/higher reps) and see how your body resonds. With time you'll taylor your routines to your specific needs. Just remember to give each style/exercise a little time to test.
dont forget about what db said about the heavy/ low reps and the high light/ reps you gotta hit both the slow twitch and the fast twitch muscle fibers so you can get maximum growth out of you chest same goes for the rest of the body parts.
If you are talking the lower part of your pec, then decline. I hear pro's and con's against decline, but I use it to give me the undercut.Originally posted by HULK
Which excersises give you a big chest.And reps.I want about 1/2 inch gap between chest and ribs.
These are following exercises I do on chest day.
Flat bench
Iso-laterwide bench
Decline bench
Incline bench
Cable crosses
Here it is.
Twice a week
Flat bench @ 5 sets
Incline Bench @ 5 sets
Cable cross overs @ 5 sets
Peck deck @ 5 set (I do dumbell flies somtimes to change things up im place of the peck deck)
I considering adding decline into my routine though time restraints may alter this.
Don't foreget the importance of Dumbell presses and flyes ..
Dumbell flyes going a lil lighter and with elbows slightly bent ( on a flat bent and/or a incline bench; my fave ) bring arms wide out to your sides nice and slow , feel the stretch and focusing on the chest squeezing to bring your arms to the top of the position . This stretching, over time , will elongate the seperation of each peck to the largest degree ( genetically ) you can . Peck deck works similar to this movement but this is by far the best . Over time on a flat bench you will almost have the dumbells hit the floor doing this movement . Of course arm length is a factor ... DONT GO TOO LOW AT FIRST and not too heavy ...Focus on form, You can sustain a major injury doing these so be careful .
good luck
this is what Tobey looks like when he is asleep![]()
aint that cute he's dreaming about benching again!
Last edited by JRMY2711; 10-17-2001 at 09:19 AM.
Now thats cute, but my head ani't that big LOL!
Hey no joke...That's the only way I flat bench anymore; with my feet up. Took a while to get the weight back up but it's made a difference in my chest size and strength.
personally .i find that alternating every 3 weeks keeps me growin,so for 3 weeks ill go heavy and 4-8 reps then moderate for 8-15,then all dumbbells for heavy then dumbbells for moderate,i train chest twice a week and on ,say, monday ill go heavy then onthursday ill go moderate,in other words ,just keep your muscles guessing,that keeps the gains comin',for me ,anyway,Morg
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