Tell me wat u guys think of my workout, i am trying to BULK UP, im taking Dbol tabs (3 Times Daily) for about 3 weeks now, Deca-300(Just Started Tuesday)...and Creatine, Glutamine 2 times daily, and Whey (Nlarge2) 3 times daily....
Day 1: Chest
Flat Dumbell Presses (4 Sets) 12-10-8-8
Incline Machine (4 Sets) 12-10-8-8
Incline Flys (3 Sets) 10-10-10
Pec Deck (4 Sets) 12-10-10-10
Cable Crossovers (4 Sets) 12-10-8-10
Day 2: Back & Bi's, Forearms
Pulldowns (4 Sets) 12-10-8-8
Hammer Strength Row Machine (3 Sets) 12-10-10
Low Pulley Row (Cable) (4 Sets) 12-10-10-8
Reverse Pec-Deck (3 Sets) 12-10-10
Barbell Curl (4 Sets) 12-10-10-Failure
Seated Dumbell Curls (4 Sets) 10-10-8-Failure
Concentration Dumbell Curls (3 Sets) 12-10-10
Reverse Curls (4 Sets) 12-10-8-8
Barbell Wrist Curls (Behind Back) (3 Sets) All to failure, Super-seted with Front EZ-Curl Bar wrist curls, (3 Sets), All to failure also.
Day 3: Shoulder's/Traps & Tri's
Behind Neck Press on Smith Machine (4 Sets) 12-10-8-8
Standing Side-Laterals (3 Sets) 12-10-10
Seated Laterals (3 Sets) 12-10-10
Front Raises on Lateral Maching (3 Sets) 10-8-8
Dumbell Shrugs (6-7 Sets) 15-20
Dip Machine (4 Sets) 15-12-10-10
Two Arm Extentions (3 Sets) 12-10-10
Pulldowns V-Bar (4 Sets) 12-10-10-8
Pulldowns Leather Strap (2 Sets) Super-Sets 10-10-10
Day 4: Legs
Leg Extentions (4 Sets) 15-12-10-10
Leg Press (4 Sets) 12-10-10-8 + Calf Raise's after each set, on leg press machine..
Leg Curl Machine (4 Sets) 12-10-10-10
Calf Raise Machine (5 Sets) 15-15-12-12-12
Day 5: Rest or All AB day..
I try to do ABS everyday, at least sum everyday, other days i can get in a whole workout, sum other days just 1 exercise...
Am i doing anything wrong, sumthing i should be doin and im not, sum1 give me sum advice.....
Thanx alot guys