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Thread: help on my routine!!!

  1. #1

    help on my routine!!!

    hey guys. im 16 years old, 6 foot tall, and 188 pounds. i have a little fat on my stomach but it isnt to much. My diet is pretty good i eat around 220 to 250 grams of protein a day, i dont eat any junk food or anything that has alot of sugar in it. i just need some help on my routine because i need some more work on my upper chest and my back. please let me know if this routine would be good or not. thanks

    Monday - Chest and Tris
    Incline DB Press 3*10
    Incline Hammer Bench 3*10
    Flat DB Bench 3*10
    Flat DB Flys 3*10
    SKullcrushers 3*10
    Curved bar pushdowns 3*10
    Rope Pushdowns 3*10

    Tuesday - Legs and abs
    Hack Squat 3*10
    Leg Press 3*10
    Calf Leg Press 3*10
    Leg Curls 3*10
    Leg Extension 3*10
    decline bench sit ups 3*20
    Rope Crunches 3*20
    Rope Crunches for obliques 3*20 (i pull my elbow to my opposite knee instead of straight to the floor)
    Leg Raises 3*20

    Wednesday - Back and Bis
    One-Arm DB rows 3*10
    T-rows 3*10
    Wide Grip pully rows 3*10
    Hammer Strength Back machine 3*10
    Hyperextensions 3*10
    Barbell Curls 3*10
    Ex bar preacher Curls 3*10
    Incline Bench Curls 3*10
    Wrist Curls 3*10

    Thursday - Sholders and Traps
    Sitting DB sholder press 3*10
    Smith Machine Sholder Press 3*10
    Lateral Raises 3*10
    Front Raises 3*10
    Bent-Over Raises 3*10
    Barbell Shrugs 3*10
    DB Shrugs 3*10

    Since im a teen i like to hangout with friends on the weekends so i dont have much time for the gym so i take Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. is this a good enought rest period

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    whats wrong with this routine ?? looks good, maybe you should take wednesday off and move that day to Friday, im sure 1-2 hrs on friday after school will not take that much out of your prescious free time. you still go out Friday night and thrn you got the weekend..

  3. #3
    thanks for the reply

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Here's what I find "lacking" or "disturbing" about this routine, and I find that as I begin to discuss this in terms of numbers and percentages, as opposed to simply being preachy, it tends to sink in just a little bit more. I used to bring up a point such as "you have three days dedicated to the muscle groups above your waist, separating biceps, and triceps and whatnot yet attempt to squeeze in the remainder of you muscle groups (below the waist) in ONE DAY", and I'd leave it at that. I don't think the disparity of this sunk in for many people. One day, using your scenario, I said something to the effect of, 75% of your workout split (time wise) is being applied to your upper body, and only 25% to the lower. Finally people would sit up and take notice. Still, the problem goes deeper. Here's a numerical breakdown of your workout in terms of volume:

    *You dedicate 9 total sets to quads...the same number of sets you allot to biceps! Where's BigOl when you need him? Unless you're a VERY high level bodybuilder with a very deliberate and well thought out reason for doing so (imbalance, etc) the quads and biceps can not and should not be treated equally in this regard!

    *If i give you hack squats as something that "counts" for hamstrings (and i'm feeling generous), you still only undertake six sets of hamstring work....the same amount of work you dedicate to traps!! If I'm not convincing you, consider that Arnold was often fond of saying that the best way to get over a plateau was to blast the hamstrings, as they're one of the largest (if not the largest) muscle groups in the body in terms of total muscle mass.

    *A full 84% of your workout is dedicated to the upper body. You allocate more than 5 times the number of sets to upper body as you do lower. Let's just assume for sake of argument that the muscles of your lower body and upper body are split 50-50 (in truth, i think it's fairly close to that in men...and maybe lower body edges out upper by a tiny margin. Someone correct me if i'm wrong).....does that disparity of 50% of your body receiving only 16% of the workload strike you as "off"??

    Remember, your body wants to remain in balance. Your upper body can only grow so much if your lower body isn't being taxed. This is no bull****....I never saw the upper body development come as quickly as it did as when I finally got the balls to start really working lower body, as opposed to hitting leg extensions, leg curls and leg presses once a week.

  5. #5
    chinups Guest
    WoW! That shows this board alot that you took the time and effort to post that. That took some serious thinking and writing. Can't wait to hit the rack.

    Green-What does your workout look like?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    WoW! That shows this board alot that you took the time and effort to post that. That took some serious thinking and writing. Can't wait to hit the rack.

    Green-What does your workout look like?
    I've found that breaking down the numbers like that gets people to sit up and take notice of AND (hopefully) responsibility for their workout split. It's one thing to have someone tell you, "you spend too much money on video games." It's quite another to hear "33% of your disposable income goes towards video games, leaving only 65 dollars a week for eating out, activities and unforeseen expenses." Or something along those lines. I somewhat consider it my "calling" on AR to get that point across about lower body training, as I was nothing short of shocked at how quickly my delts, lats, and even chest started making gains again the moment i elected to finally get serious about quad training.

    As far as my workout, I'll post it when I get onto my computer, as it's somewhere's always changing though and a couple of people have pressed me to put into concise words how and why I change what I do and why and when I do it. I borrow heavily from Warrior, Doggcrapp and several others who know much more than I do and sort of synthesize the material in a way that best suits me (or so experience has shown me).

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