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Thread: decline bench

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.

    decline bench

    Is it normal to put up more on decline than flat?If so why?
    I can put an average of 50lbs. more on decline just thought it was kinda strange.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Yep, more lats, more back. Hittin nice and low..As a powerlifter its basically the concept of getting a good arch on your bench press..Adds the pounds really quickly to your bench if that is what your going for(power)..

  3. #3
    Yes you can lift more on the decline as stated. I have never done decline until recently. I didn't feel it was necessary. Now that I've added it to my program, I can finally get my chest nice and sore after a workout. Currently I am not even doing flat bench. I start out on the incline and then do declines. Trying to see what that will do to my overall chest size and strength.

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