Alright This is Laty's Workout schedual...i am wondering what you all think about it...some input would help...I change the reps and order of excersizes all the time so i didnt put in the rep value...i usually go by weeks in a three week week 1 is heavy, week 2 is medium week 3 is light...
i used to have arms on fri but my tries were still hurting and would effect the bench
It may seem like a lot of sets...but i have actually cut it back a fair bit...i like being and doing a lot of quality sets at the gym...i cant do 15 sets of chest and leave..i want to destroy the muscle and then pound it with protein and then destroy it again
I also do a lot of streching and anarobic or flexing at night...for example on monday nights i do pushups and then flex...get a huge pump and flex the **** out of it...
If i decide to do my first cycle this summer does anything have to change or can i even add a little bit to the workout i can bench about 340 for a rep..i want that up to 350 asap...any tips...thanks!
Chest/Side Delts
5 sets of Bench (alter some workouts to shock by adding hanging chains)
5 Incline Bench
5 Dips
5 Fly
10 Lateral raise (5 machine)
5 wide chins
5 wide backmachine
5 wide chins machine
5 close chins
5 dumbell rows
5 close chins machine (My back in my strongest muscle and responds well to this eventhough it is a lot)
5 Shrugs (5 machine)
5 squats
5 squat deads
5 leg press
5 hack squats
5 quad extention
10 ham curls
15 calvs
5 easy curl bar
5 preacher bar
5 alternating dumbell
5 close grip
5 machine pulldowns
5 dumbell overheads
5 dumbell press
5 machine press
10 laterals
5 traps
illin...cant wait to get back at her!