while on any sort of AS... what should your work out be like as far as days off? i used to go to the gym mon-fri and take sat sunday off ... lately i have been going 3 day on and 1 day off? can u guys give me some advice? thanks
while on any sort of AS... what should your work out be like as far as days off? i used to go to the gym mon-fri and take sat sunday off ... lately i have been going 3 day on and 1 day off? can u guys give me some advice? thanks
i do, 3 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off, so five days a week, but rest days after legs, then again after back
Come On Some One Else Give Me There Opinion???
your split will pretty much be the same as it is now except you might get an extra
workout here or there because of the increased recovery time. If you are in as good
of shape as you should be to try AS your muscles should be healing quickly now
im currently on cycle and i workout only 4 days a week.
4 days per week is plenty. Work out very similar to the way you do when natural. I would just add techniques to increase intensity(negatives, statics, rest-pause, etc).
Many guys get on the juice and start doing dumb things like German-Volume training 2x per week.
2on 1off 1on 1off
is working out to much bad? i was thinking about doing 6 days a week ? that might be to much ... what about doing chest with bis and back with tris? i was thinking about doing .... mon chest legs tues arms weds shoulders legs thusday back traps fri off sat chest bis sunday back and tris?
bad advice imo. id go 3on, 1rest,2on, 1 rest..Originally Posted by test is best
u gotta remember that you can recover a lot quicker now that ur on a cycle.
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