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Thread: MHP's Dren

  1. #1
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
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    MHP's Dren

    hey everyone ,

    just looking for some feedback on Dren from people who have taken it.
    im 5'10 200lbs 11%bf looking to drop down to about 6-7%.


  2. #2
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    Fat Loss Breakthrough:
    Researchers are calling the discovery of an exclusive new compound, Beta-Methoxy- Phenylethylamine , a bigger and more promising breakthrough than ephedra and are comparing DREN to Clenbuterol . Scientists have been looking at the basic form Beta-Phenylethyamine (also called Beta-PEA) for years, but unfortunately its short half-life prevented this compound from ever being very effective. The first attempt to overcome the short half- life was to combine Beta-PEA with MAO inhibitors, but this also proved to be NOT effective. However, this new form isn’t just showing promise, its showing amazing results. And while Beta-Methoxy-Phenylethylamine is the new General in the war against fat a few good soldiers have been added to DREN for total annihilation of stubborn adipose FAT!

    Advanced Pharmacological Approach To Fat Annihilation!

    DREN uses an advanced pharmacological approach to trigger the process of lipolysis for maximum fat burning. DREN ( patent pending compound name DRENBUTEROL) belongs to a powerful new class of compounds called ****limbic Beta Agonist Fat Burning Agents. Its mechanism of action is similar to that of the popular old ECA (ephedra, caffeine, and aspirin) stack, but even more parallel to those of Clenbuterol. Like Clenbuterol, DREN poses more selective and powerful beta-adrenergic fat burning activity then ephedra. Plus in addition to extreme thermogenic effects, DREN also has powerful psycho-active euphoric effects.

    Step 1: Sympathometic thermogenic Activation:

    Beta-Methoxy Phenylethlyamine (also called Beta-Methoxy PEA) is an exciting new ingredient used exclusively in DREN. Beta-Methox-PEA works in part by increasing noradrenaline (NA) release from sympathetic nerve terminals. As a sympathomimetic, Beta-Methoxy PEA acts to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. It does this by causing pre-synaptic nerve terminals to release norepinephrine, or what is commonly called noradrenaline (NA), into the synaptic space. It also has the effect of increasing circulating adrenaline, the body’s chief beta-2 agonist. Noradrenaline, once released into the synaptic space, interacts with adrenergic receptors on the surface of adipocytes (fat). This initiates a sequence of events within the adipocyte that increases lipolysis (the breaking down of fatty acids) by the enzyme hormone sensitive lipase (HSL). This fat burning effect is dependent on long and steady activation of the receptor by the agonist and is what makes the discovery of Beta-Methoxy PEA so critical and why it is much more effective than other Beta-PEA Formulas.

    Beta-Methoxy PEA is the most effective B-PEA beta-agonist by virtue of its long half-life (stays in the body longer) as well as its affinity to be absorbed in fat tissue and better permeate the blood/brain barrier. In contrast, the half-life of many other Beta-PEA forms is only minutes as the enzyme MAO-B quickly metabolizes them and are less lipophilic which prevents significant concentrations from reaching the brain--- therefore no psychoactive and weight loss effect is achieved. As mentioned earlier, while the inclusion of MAO-inhibitors would seem to work the evidence shows otherwise. Beta-Methoxy PEA does not have to worry about being broken down by MAO-B due to its unique configuration. The beta “Methoxy” moiety on this compound protects it and allows for increased absorption across the blood brain barrier and deep penetration into the fatty tissues of the brain where it interacts with the adrenergic receptors. This increase in noradrenaline and adrenergic receptors activation increases cAMP levels in fat cells (increasing its breakdown) and muscle cells (increasing protein synthesis). Beta-Methoxy-PEA’s
    unique configuration or moiety is what gives it its long duration of action, its exceptional ability to permeate fat tissue and extremely powerful fat burning effects. I can’t emphasize the point enough: it’s the “Methoxy” in Beta-Methoxy-PEA that makes it simply unmatched to all other forms of Beta PEA no matter what jargon you read--and its only found in DREN!

    In addition, Beta-Methoxy Phenethylamine’s enhanced moiety and ability to better penetrate the blood brain barrier elicits extreme euphoric “feel good’ neuro-sensory. Beta-Methoxy-PEA, is an alkaloid and monoamine, therefore, it is believed to function as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter and elicits extreme psychoactive effects on the body while burning body fat at an unforseen rate. To sum it up, Beta-Methoxy Phenethylamine freely enters the brain barrier and triggers a cascading release of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin and stimulates the ****limbic reward pathway, causing euphoria and excitement.

    Step 2: The Inclusion of an Alpha 2 Agonist works as a Clenbuterol mimetic to further Enhance Beta-Methoxy PEA fat burning!

    While Beta-Methoxy-PEA by itself is a remarkably effective thermogenic, the scientists at MHP wanted to take fat burning to a new levels. Let’s face it ever since the FDA banned ephedra everyone has been looking for an alternative and Clenbuterol will get 5 to 10 years in prison! MHP wasn’t only looking to develop and ephedra alternative we were looking to take it way beyond the ECA stack. Once we isolated Beta-Methoxy-PEA and saw its similar yet superior mechanisms of actions as ephedra we knew we could do it.
    In response to Beta-Methoxy-PEA’s beta-adrenergic stimulation, negative feedback mechanisms are activated as well. This negative feedback can shutdown lipolysis (fat burning). Just the same way in which this negative feedback effect ephedra, the stimulation of the Alpha 2 receptor as well as the production of phosphodiesterases and adenosine occurs. The alpha 2 receptor, phosphodiesterases and adenosine try to slow down or halt the fat burning process which is the reason why caffeine and aspirin were often added to Ephedra products. Caffeine and aspirin overcame much of the negative feedback mechanisms and made Ephedra even better. In the case of DREN, Beta-Methoxy-PEA works in the same exact ways that Ephedra only better, but also undergoes these negative feedback mechanisms. Therefore, measures had to be taken to maximize Beta-Methoxy-PEA’s actions in the body and minimize these negative feedback mechanisms. In doing so MHP scientists were able to mimic the actions of Clenbuterol.

    Ephedra and all forms of Beta-PEA are considered non-selective adrenergics through the release of noradrenaline because they don’t just active one type of receptor. Unfortunately, noradrenaline functions as its own negative feedback signal by activating both the beta and alpha adrenergic receptors.. As you recall, the stimulation of beta receptors is good as it initiates the fat burning process, but the Alpha 2 receptors actually shut down lipolysis (fat burning). MHP scientists added Yohimbine HCL to the DREN formula to by pass Alpha 2 receptor binding and increases the effectiveness of DREN. Yohimbine HCL is a selective alpha 2 antagonist and can thus short circuit this feedback loop, maximizing noradrenaline levels and the overall fat loss actions of Beta-Methoxy PEA. What we have created is a mechanism of action which closely mimics that of Clenbuterol, which is long acting activation on the beta receptor with little to no activity at the alpha receptor. Resulting in the most powerful thermogenic activity in adipose tissue possible.

    Step 3: Phosphodiesterase Inhibitibiton and Adenosine Receptor Interferance

    Most people like caffeine because of its stimulatory and energizing effects. But, caffeine has a much more important role than that in DREN. Stimulation of Beta-adrenergic receptor also means an increase in phosphodiesterase and adenosine activity. Phosphodiesterase (PDE) acts to hydrolyze cAMP into inactive fragments while adenosine inhibits cAMP accumulation halting the stimulation of HSL and the fat burning process. Caffeine possesses the ability to inhibit phosphodiesterases within the cell and has even been shown to have the ability to prevent some re-uptake of norepinephrine while also acting as an adenosine receptor blocker. As you can see, caffeine provides important powerful synergies to maximize DREN’s fat burning effects.

    Step 4: Powerful Psycho-active “Feel Good” Neurostimulation

    The mind is a powerful thing! DREN will not only transforms your body with the most powerful fat burning thermogenic experience, it will also alter you mind and put you is a place you want to be “One Top of The World”. There is no denying it Beta-Methoxy-PEA is very psycho-active and triggers a euphoric “feel good response”. To further enhance DREN neuromudulator activity L-5-Hydroxytryptophan has also been added to the formula. L-5-Hydroxytryptophan is a naturally-occurring amino acid, a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin which is a monoamine neurotransmitter with feel good and appetite suppression properties. L-5-Hydroxtryptophan like Beta-Methoxy-PEA also passes through the blood brain barrier into the brain. It’s psychoactive action are thought to be derived from its effect on serotonin synthesis in central nervous system tissue. It is believed that a high supply of L-5-Hydroxytryptophan causes the brain's serotonin-producing neurons to increase production leading to increased serotonin release. The serotoninergic system is known to modulate mood, emotion, sleep and appetite and thus is implicated in the control of numerous behavioral and physiological functions. L-5-Hydroxytryptophan helps to keep serotonin and norepinephrine levels in balance therefore increasing metabolism and fat loss through synergistic actions with other ingredients in DREN. The end result is an extreme “feel good” state of euphoria.

    Clen will get you 5 to 10 in the state pen---
    DREN will get you RIPPED and Flipped!

    Even hardcore ephedrine junkies who were popping 50 to 100mg per day in their ECA stacks consider the fat burning and euphoric effects of DREN to be extreme. The word on the street is DREN is like taking a ‘hit’ of pure adrenaline stacked with ephedrine. The fact is, DREN (Drenbuterol) belongs to a powerful new class of compounds called ****limbic beta agonist, which have extremely powerful fat burning and euphoric activity and should be taken with caution. DREN stimulates both metabolic and ****limbic pathways for extreme thermogenic fat burning and neurotropic “feel good” sensory. Each DREN capsule provides the maximum 409mg dose of Drenbuterol and should only be administered once daily and should not be used with other stimulants. When take as directed, DREN will help potentiate thermogenic fat burning, increase energy levels, suppress appetite and illicit a state of heightened mental euphoria.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails MHP's Dren-dren.jpg  

  3. #3
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    sounds promising

  4. #4
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    I know a few top members here that have tried it and didnt like it ....

    Will Bump it for more peeps that have tried it for u though???????

    BUMP ???


  5. #5
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    sounds very promising , just looking for people that have had any experience with Dren , i currently have 3 boxes in the process of being ordered.

  6. #6
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
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  7. #7
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Let us know how it goes if you get it and do it. Im intrested to see how it works. Have you tried clen or eca before? If so, let us know how you would compare this Dren stuff to the others. I really don't think its gonna do all it says it does but thats marketing in the supplement bus.

  8. #8
    Bren's Avatar
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    i don't know about a Thermogenics that you only have to take one pill a day. usually you have to saturate your system for them to be effective. i got a free sample at work and i didn't feel anything. plus i don't sell any of it at all. as a matter of fact i don't think i have sold a single box.

  9. #9
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
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    thanks for your input guys, i already ordered 2 boxes so i will post up in a couple of weeks and let you know if this DREN works or not, and to answer your question i have never used any kinda of fat burner or clen before.

  10. #10
    Garbanzo Dude is offline Member
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    I read a quick article from Gaspari on the B-PEA thing.....for their Cytolean.

  11. #11
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    dosn't work very well cheap knockoff of clen

  12. #12
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    well my DREN just came in and i just took the first dose, going to be bump this thread and give you guys the results of this product daily.


  13. #13
    Schmidty's Avatar
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  14. #14
    Bigstiffler's Avatar
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    i liked it. i used it during my clen cycle the week i didnt do clen i used that & it worked good.

  15. #15
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    day 3

    3rd day, takin 1pill a day in the morning, noticing results already.
    feeling harder and longer lasting pumps , feel great energized in the gym.. doign 20mins cardio after workouts and had people tell me today that im looking more cut and noticing that in my arms and shoulders.
    currently at 185lbs now dropped 2 lbs not sure what exactly my bodyfat % rite now but i'll find out tm.

  16. #16
    Monstruoso is offline Junior Member
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    keep going... im interested in it

    the ad looks amazing.... they convinced me

  17. #17
    GhostCrab's Avatar
    GhostCrab is offline Junior Member
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    I just finished my first box of Dren and I really liked it, I lost about 4 lbs fat, no muscle, great workouts, lots of swetting, especially at night in sleep, and get ready for some vivid dreams too. Keep that water up, or you'll be waking up with cotton mouth lol

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