i am not looking to start ne crap but....lets get it together here. i mean just yesterday a new member asked the going price of test E. thread eventually got locked by a mod and told to go read the rules. ok fine, but, any of us can go to the profiles section and there it is. written, btw, by one of the most respected guys around here. there at the bottom usually, (prices). here, i simply cut and pasted this from the test E link.
Now that I’ve told you all about this drug, lets talk about cost…
you should be paying no more than*Edited* for a 10cc bottle of it, dosed at 200-250mgs/ml. Of course, as usual, prices fluctuate, but I’d recommend sticking with a reputable underground lab, rather then *Edited*, *Edited*, or one of the many other expensive (and often counterfeited) companies. This drug is relatively cheap to produce, as the raw materials are very inexpensive, and as such, should be reasonably cheap …especially since this drug should be a consideration for inclusion in any cycle.
so what's the story? is there "exceptions" to the rules? do the rules only apply to certain area's of this forum? or....not complaining, simply confused.