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Thread: atten newbies a must read

  1. #1
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    atten newbies a must read

    What are Steroids?
    Testosterone is the main male sex hormone which is naturally produced by the human body. Steroids are a synthetic form of testosterone or its derivatives. Bodybuilders mainly use testosterone. Testosterone is what you can thank for Strength and Size.

    You can read more in the Muscle Talk article testosterone and steroid chemistry

    Am I old enough?
    Yes if you're over 25, No if you're under. You run the risks of premature closing of growth plates which means you won't get any taller and your shoulders won't get wider, etc. if you use them too young. Your endocrine system is also at a vital stage in your life, which should incidentally provide you with plenty of natural testosterone anyway!

    Of course there are other considerations such as training experience of the individual. For example, it would be unwise for a 25 year old who has been training only a few months to want to use steroids. Their training and diet knowledge are likely to be limited (these should be 100% in check to make 'proper use' of a steroid cycle). Not only that, but there will be massive potential for natural gains, without the need to even think about steroids!

    Which steroid should I take?
    By spending time browsing through old posts as well as learning from current ones, you will start to become familiar with not only the different steroid names and typical dosages, but also how they are used towards a particular goal. This will provide you with a 'shortlist' of possible steroids that can be further researched to ascertain whether the effects/side effects are acceptable to you.
    I hate needles, can I just take pills?
    You've decided to take steroids, now the next thing to decide is whether you should take tablets or inject? What's the difference? Let's look at each in turn: Well the obvious difference is that one is swallowed, the other is injected. But let's be more specific; most oral steroids are hepatotoxic (i.e. toxic to the liver). As the tablet/pill travels through the body it passes through the gastrointestinal tract, then to the liver which has a mission to destroy it, thus preventing the steroid from entering the bloodstream. As a result, scientific boffins replaced the hydrogen atom with a carbon atom to the 17th position of the steroid molecule, which for the most part, will enable the steroid to survive the first pass hepatic metabolism. This process is commonly referred to as 17-alpha alkylation (17-AA or C-17).

    Whilst this alkylation is desirable for the athlete in terms of improving the bio-availability of the oral steroid, it does however, place undue stress on the liver. Liver values (a set of markers which are used to assess liver function) may be elevated whilst using 17-aa steroids and as such, they are generally used sparingly to compliment an injectable cycle. Certain nutritional supplement products are often used for liver protection:

    Milk Thistle
    ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid)

    Injectable Steroids are not for intravenous use (into the vein). Doing this could result in serious injury or even death. They must be injected intra-muscularly (into the muscle) and therefore avoid the 'first pass' through the liver; though some the harsher steroids will place a strain on the kidneys in large doses.

    There are two main different types of injectable steroids: Water or oil based. Water based steroids are metabolised quickly, requiring frequent (often daily) injections. Oil based ones are released more slowly into the bloodstream and are generally injected once or twice weekly.

    Where do I inject?
    You should inject into your gluteus maximus muscle (the muscle under your flabby bum!). A good, sterile technique is well worth emphasising as this can avoid experiences ranging from abcesses to death (yes, it really is that serious!). If the proper procedure is implemented, then the occurrence of abcesses can be substancially reduced and death is avoided completely.

    Glutes and quads (thigh muscles) are the 'normal' places for injections as they are large muscle groups, though other sites can be used, particularly for heavier cycles where there is a greater volume of oil being used each week.

    What's an Ester?
    A Steroid Ester refers to the chain of carbons attached to the steroid molecule at the 17th position. The longer the chain, the greater the time taken for the steroid to be released into the bloodstream. Testosterone propionate, for example, is a relatively short chain ester and therefore makes the parent hormone fast acting and requiring more frequent injections. The opposite is the case for longer chain esters e.g. enanthate, cypionate, undecanoate.

    What should I take?
    An example of a beginner's cycle might be 8 weeks of testosterone at 500mg per week and 4 weeks of Dianabol at 25mg daily. This utilises one injectable (testosterone) and one oral (Dianabol). The testosterone would be injected twice per week, i.e. one ampoule of 250mg on Monday, the other on Thursday or Friday.

    When shall I take it?
    It makes absolutely no difference what time of day you inject. Whatever suits you.

    Injection frequency - Aim for Mon/Thu for longer acting esters (sustanon, enanthate, cypionate, deca). These could be injected just once per week for the needle-shy, though twice is better for even blood concentration levels.

    Dianabol are to be taken daily and, as they have a short half life of just a few hours, they are split throughout the day, every 4 hours or so. Take them with meals to avoid possible gastro-intestinal discomfort.

    Should I buy steroids from a website?
    Never buy from an online website offering steroids. Most will be either scammers or will selling you fakes - or both! Keep yourself safe and from losing your hard earned cash -always have your prospective source checked first.

    What will I gain?
    Almost impossible to answer, as everyone is different, and there are a multitude of variables that will affect the amount of gains witnessed such as:

    Type of steroid and amounts used
    Length of cycle
    Cycle experience - early career cycles tend to yield greater gains purely because there is greater scope for those gains
    Training, diet & rest!
    What's a Frontload / Kickstart?
    A 'frontload' is used to reach peak blood concentration levels much sooner than would otherwise be possible. Double your normal weekly dose will be injected in the first week or two, depending on the drug's particular half-life (the half-life is the time taken for the body to metabolise and excrete half of the drug). So if your cycle was to use 500mg testosterone enanthate weekly, you would frontload 1,000mg during the first week.

    An oral 'kickstart' describes the use of a fast acting oral until your injectables reach their peak, i.e. 30mg of Dianabol taken for the first 4 weeks.

    What are Anti-Es?
    Anti-Es are anti-oestrogens (or as the Americans say 'estrogens'). Certain steroids aromatise to oestrogen through the aromatase enzyme which can lead to undesirable side-effects. Oestrogen, after all is the dominant female hormone. By employing anti-Es you can reduce the chances of experiencing oestrogenic side-effects such as water retention and gyno (explained below). Proviron and Anastrozole (Arimidex and other guises) attempt to halt the aromatisation from occurring. Nolvadex however, will occupy the oestrogen receptor which renders much of the existing circulating oestrogen inert.

    The varying anti-E ancillaries are therefore generally used to counter negative side effects of AAS usage. Choice of ancillary depends on many factors including:

    AAS used & dosage/length of cycle
    Susceptibility of user to sides (if already known)
    Degree of risk/sides the user deems acceptable
    Any pre-existing conditions
    Read more about Anti-Es in the Muscle Talk article about Oestrogen & Progesterone

    What's Gyno?
    Gynecomastia is the build up of glandular tissue under the breast, and is an oestrogenic side-effect. Puffy, itchy or sore nipples are often early symptoms. This condition is often referred to by the slang term 'bitch tits'. Established gyno will normally require surgery for correction - needless to say, 'prevention is better than the cure!'

    What's PCT?
    PCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy, and is what you do when you've finished your cycle to restore natural testosterone production. This is essential if you want to stand a good chance of retaining gains. Nolvadex, Clomid and sometimes HCG are the drugs used for pct. See the Muscle Talk article Clomid, Nolvadex and HCG in Post Cycle Recovery for more information.

    However, it is important to realise that when you complete PCT it does not mean that recovery is fulfilled. You are simply using the PCT drugs to kickstart your body into action, with the actual recovery process takes many weeks, sometimes months to complete. Some like to gauge recovery from subjective factors such as libido, though ultimately for a much more accurate picture, a simple blood test will be required, discussed in further detail below.

    What about pre-steroid use blood tests?
    It cannot be stressed enough the importance of obtaining certain blood test results prior to commencing steroids. These personal baseline readings serve multiple purposes. Firstly, they can prove vital in uncovering any underlying medical issues that may not be already known. Should this be the case, it will determine whether the individual feels that they should avoid steroids completely, or delay use until such time where it appears health is optimal. Also, as many facets of blood readings can be affected by steroids, it is vital that you have pre-steroid use values so that comparisons can be made to baseline, which will provide a valuable insight into how 'recovery' is progressing. Such blood work can be obtained in the strictest confidence with neither the tests nor the results being disclosed to your GP. See The Doctor Ltd for further details.

    Will this cycle have any effect on my sex drive? Gotta keep the missus happy!
    You'll turn into a porn star! You'll think about it 24/7! Generally you'll feel like a Sex God! Joking aside, you should generally experience an increase in libido especially if using strong androgens, though effects between individuals do vary. If do you experience any loss of interest, or you experience problems maintaining an erection (notorious with certain steroids), the drug Proviron is often used as a counter-active measure.

    This FAQ article is not in any way designed to deter the posting of further questions on the MuscleTalk forums. However, by extending your knowledge, the above will provide you with a much better understanding of any further advice given in response to a question.

    It would be very helpful when requesting information regarding a cycle, to include details such as you age, stats, training experience, previous cycle experience and goals and aspirations. This will greatly assist members answering the query, as most, if not all, of these factors are taken into consideration when providing suggestions.

    If you already have some gear and are merely asking for assistance in designing a cycle, it is imperative that you list not only the actual AAS you intend to use and ml volume of each, but also the mg/ml ratio of each as this varies with different manufacturing labs.

    All the best!
    Last edited by FREAK; 01-22-2008 at 02:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You joined 6 months ago

    Fuking newbies^^^^^^^^

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    dont mess with me goodcents

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramblin freak View Post
    dont mess with me goodcents
    everyone is a critic
    Last edited by FREAK; 01-22-2008 at 02:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramblin freak View Post
    everyone is a critique
    criticCome here big boy and I will......

    get dsm to rub your back

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    How did you quote yourself It won't let me

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, are you having one of those days?

    of the month

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    right here
    right now i am

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    And more to critique ... lol .....

    This article will attempt to describe, in layman's terms, the fate of Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in the human body. The intent is to look at steroids from a general view, not to describe the different individual steroids. Of course, the author does not condone the use of steroids by anyone not under the care and supervision of a qualified medical professional.


    Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids can be roughly classified into two types, oral and injectable. When you eat food or consume anything orally, the great majority of the ingested substances pass through the liver prior to entering the bloodstream. For this reason, "injectable" AAS cannot be taken orally because the liver will deactivate the steroids in this "first pass". Deactivation in the liver usually involves the addition of one or more hydroxyl (OH) groups to increase the solubility of the molecule in water, making excretion in the urine more easily accomplished.

    Oral Steroids

    Oral steroids involve modification of the parent steroid to make it harder for the liver to degrade the steroid molecules. This modification is almost always the addition of an alkyl (methyl) group at the 17 position of the steroid ring. The liver can still degrade the steroid, but not as effectively as the un-modified steroid. Therefore, oral steroids make several cycles through the bloodstream before being excreted. Most oral steroids are, to various degrees, excreted from the body unchanged.

    Injectable Steroids

    The injectable AAS are very effectively degraded in just a single pass through the liver. If this is so, then how can the injectables be effective? The answer is called a "depot" (or reservoir), which allows a regular release of steroid into the bloodstream. As steroid is removed from the bloodstream by the liver, more steroid is being released into the bloodstream from the depot. There are several ways to provide such a reservoir of the steroid.


    The first way is to use pure testosterone (a crystalline solid) suspended in water. Testosterone has a low solubility in water, and the crystals slowly dissolve in the watery environment of the tissue in which it is injected. The dissolved testosterone is carried throughout the body by the bloodstream. For Testosterone suspension, the "depot" is the actual physical site where the injection is made. The crystals do not migrate to other parts of the body, and the presence of the crystalline testosterone can cause some pain at the injection site. The testosterone dissolves at a (relatively) constant rate, and lasts for a few days in the body. Winstrol suspension is similar.


    The other way to provide a depot of steroid is to use a water-insoluble form of the steroid that can be converted in the body to the parent steroid, which has some solubility in water (bloodstream). Most commonly, the parent molecule is esterified with an organic acid, and the resulting ester is soluble in oil, but only very slightly soluble in water. Commonly used organic acid groups are acetate (C2), propionate (C3), enanthate (C7), decanoate (C10), and undecylenate (C11). The longer the carbon chain of the acid, the more oil-soluble the ester, and the longer it takes for the ester to turn into the parent steroid (de-esterification). A type of enzyme that is found throughout the body facilitates the de-esterification reaction to form the parent steroid from the ester. The enzyme actually catalyzes the reaction in both directions, so it can also attach an organic acid back onto the parent steroid. So, for example, testosterone enanthate can actually be turned into testosterone palmitate. There is some good evidence that steroid esters are, to some extent, stored in fat cells. It is commonly believed that esters form a depot of oil/ester that stays at the injection site. This is not true. While the depot concept holds true for esters (because they slowly release the parent steroid over time), the esters actually disperse throughout the body after injection, prior to (and during) the de-esterification reaction to form the parent steroid. They do not stay at the injection site. For example, the ester testosterone enanthate has been found in tissues throughout the body, including hair samples of subjects who have injected T200. If a bio-contaminant is introduced at the time of injection (non-sterile conditions), the body will attempt to encapsulate the contaminated material, and an abscess will form. In this case it appears as if the ester has remained at the injection site. But under normal sterile conditions, the oily solution will disperse. Injecting too much at one site or injecting too frequently at one site will not cause an abscess.

    Transport of Steroids in the Bloodstream

    Once the steroid has been released from the depot (or the oral steroid has been absorbed from the intestine), it is transported throughout the body in the bloodstream. Carrier proteins (Albumin and Sex Hormone binding Globulin) bind about 98% of testosterone under natural conditions. Thus, only 2% of the hormone is free to carry out its actions. When exogenous steroid is present, the level of free steroid is much higher than 2%. Bear in mind that the hormone is not permanently bound to the some of the proteins, but is constantly binding and un-binding from the protein. At any given time, about 2% of the hormone is un-bound in the natural state. So, if the 2% unbound hormone were to magically disappear, then the proteins would release more hormone such that 2% (of the remaining total) would come unbound. The bloodstream is the mechanism by which the hormones reach their target tissues (muscle).


    Androgen Receptor Activation

    Once a free molecule of steroid reaches the muscle cell, it diffuses into the cell. The diffusion can be with or without transport-protein assistance. Once in the cell, the AAS is makes its way to the cell nucleus where it can bind with an androgen receptor (AR), and activate the receptor. Two of these activated receptor complexes join together to form the androgen response element (ARE). The ARE interacts with DNA in the nucleus, and increases the transcription of certain genes (such as muscle protein genes). As long as the ARE is intact, it accelerates gene transcription. Remember, though, that the AAS and the receptor are in a state of flux (binding and un-binding), just like with the Carrier proteins. So the ARE can be deactivated just by losing one of the two AAS that are bound to the AR's. This equilibrium situation explains why 1 gram per week testosterone is more effective than 1/2 gram per week, even though 1/2 gram appears to be more than enough to saturate all the AR's in the body. The higher concentration makes it more likely that the receptors will be occupied by an AAS, and the ARE will be intact for a longer period of time, on average.

    Other Actions

    Activation of the androgen receptor is a key mechanism in the action of AAS. However, this mechanism by itself does not explain the differences between steroids (i.e., nandrolone activates the AR better than testosterone, but is not as good of a mass-building product). Other actions involve primarily the central nervous system, and involve actions such as motor activation (muscle coordination) and mood (i.e., aggressiveness). The mechanism by which AAS effect these actions is not well understood at this time. Another effect occurs in the liver, where some steroids cause the release of certain Growth Factors. The different actions of the different AAS explains why a stack of two different types of AAS is often better than one by itself.

    Elimination of Steroids

    The liver is a primary route to deactivation of steroids, the chemical structure is changed here to make the steroid more soluble in water for excretion through the kidneys. A good portion of many steroids also are excreted as-is, without any alteration by the liver, or by formation of the sulphate, which is more water soluble. Many in the medical community have believed that AAS cause liver damage because levels of certain enzymes (AST and ALT) are elevated when steroids are used. Elevated levels of these enzymes are seen in patients with liver damage from other causes, so the conclusion is that AAS must cause liver damage because these enzymes are elevated. Recent work, however, has shown that a true marker of liver damage, GGT, remains unchanged when some AAS are used, and now it is questioned whether AAS are really damaging to the liver (the 17 alpha-alkylated AAS do cause damage in some rare cases, and this damage is reversible upon cessation of steroid use). The same thought processes were used to claim kidney damage, but that is unlikely as well.

    One thing I'll say is 1 gram maybe better then 500mg, but the possibilities of side effects would be higher too. Like he said 500mg "appears to be more than enough to saturate all the AR's in the body." Once you go passed what your receptors can handle, the chances of the juice converting to a side effect are very high.


    Tip 1 - Do Your Research.

    This is INCREDIBLY important. First, keep in mind that the accuracy of anything you read online will only be about 90% - that includes this article. Although much of my research has come from scientific papers and other very knowledgeable individuals - I can't 100% say that anything, even the research experiments, are perfectly sound all of the time. You'll have lots of self procalimed experts saying completely different things. One expert said that Nolvadex is useless to use as part of post cycle therapy and likened it to using suntan lotion in a snowstorm. Another expert said it is the preferred choice over it's "weaker counterpart" clomid. Some experts will tell you that simple testosterone only cycles are best for the first cycle, while others will say that in order to optimize the benefits of any steroid cycle, you must properly stack any injectable steroids with their oral counterparts. I am a believer that testosterone should be the base of any steroid use, especially for those who have interest in doing further cycles in the future.

    The main reason a testosterone only cycle is recommended for the first time users is because it is the building block of all future cycles - if it isn't - it should be! By using testosterone initially you will get an idea of how your body will react to it. You will need to know if you are prone to gyno, how much fluid you will retain and how much your blood pressure will raise with the use of anabolic steroids as part of your training and nutrition program. These are very important things to be aware of.

    Think about it like this - you're doing a stack of testosterone enanthate and dianabol - you feel the signs and symptoms of gyno coming along. So you fix the problem by taking by taking 20-30 mg of Nolvadex or 100 mg of Clomid (which you intelligently kept on hand) daily until the problem subsides and a few days after just to be safe. So the next time you cycle - you use only testosterone enanthate to avoid the aromotization problems brought upon by the addition of the dianabol tabs the first time out. But guess what? It wasn't the test that was aromatizing after all - it was the dianabol. Now with testosterone only, you are still getting the signs and symptoms of gyno and must once again control the substance with use of an anti estrogen. Had you known you were gyno prone with the testosterone you could have better planned this second cycle and worked out a stack to your advantage and possibly even eliminated or greatly reduced the risks of re-ocurring gyno. If you start cycling with a stack, you won't have any way of knowing which steroids are causing which side effects.

    Another reason why testosterone only is a good first cycle - it's your first cycle! Why go overkill? You'll grow like a weed off testosterone only with correct nutrition and training - hell, even without it! In a study done by Bhasin and co-workers1, men with no weight training whatsoever made increases in fat-free mass (4KG or 8.8 lbs), increases in triceps mass (400 mm or 1.6"), increases in quadriceps mass (600 mm or 2.4"), and added 10KG (22.2 lbs) on their bench press and 20KG (44.4 to their squat. It's TESTOSTERONE after all. You're injecting HORMONES into yourself. Don't let the quantity fool you - a mL of cyanide will kill you the same way as minimal amounts of steroids will make you grow. Your virgin androgen receptors will eat it up. Why use more when you'll get the same results off less? What's the point? It's just a big waste of time and money. The last thing you want to do is develop a tolerance so that you are required more quantity in the future.

    Testosterone may be a strong androgen, but the side effects are very easily controlled for almost all of them with a few simple ancillaries.

    With any steroids you take you are going to shut down your natural testosterone production and this can lead to short term impotence and testicular atrophy (short term if your post cycle therapy is sound!). Deca and Trenbolone are not the only ones that cause this (any drug can when not accompanied by testosterone). Deca and Trenbolone are just the most common and most complained about for this type of thing.

    Tip 2 - Don't do a DBOL ONLY cycle! EVER!

    There are plenty of good reasons for this - Obviously in that Dianabol is a 17-alpha alkylated steroid, warranting short-term use. Since Dianabol has little Androgen receptor activity, it functions particularly synergistic with compounds that have a strong Androgen receptor activity as is the case for all the aforementioned. In other words - stack it! Forgetting about the science here - do you want to make muscle, strength and water gains and end up feeling pumped and huge by the end of your cycle only to realize that the dianabol mainly gained you water and a few weeks after the cycle you lose it all?

    Dianabol is a methylated compound with a certain toxicity, so in the interest of safety you wouldn't use it longer than 6 weeks on end, 8 weeks at the absolute maximum and only under supervision of a medical professional who can monitor your liver values. Arnold was said to use it for eight weeks at a time (of course this is only speculation), but even if this was the case, Arnold was on a whole other level than most beginners. Don't copy what he did and expect the same results - his workouts, nutrition program and steroid stacks were designed for his body and his genetics - never copy him or anybody else for that matter. Dianabol heavily aromatizes so its not particularly useful during cutting and with 6-8 weeks of use maximum, that leaves the option open - Stack it with another, injectable, compound that can be used for longer terms (beginning of stack when other compound is least active).

    Dianabol is mainly meant to kick start your cycle gains. This is normally done by stacking it with a longer acting product, such as testosterone enanthate or cypionate, deca or equipose. For best use, include it early in a stack (see sample stack #2 listed below). You would run it with your 500mg of sustanon weekly as follows:

    Weeks 1-4: Dianabol - 20-25 mg daily.

    This should be more than sufficient for a beginner and just fine to kickstart your mass gains. Sometimes less is more! When it comes to 17-alpha alkylated drugs, this is one of those times. Liver health is something that you should be very important to you.

    When stacking with a longer-acting product, such as testosterone enanthate or cypionate, Deca or Equipoise, the best use is early on in the stack. Dianabol is a very fast-acting steroid and most injectables don't start showing their real value for 2-3 weeks. That makes it particularly useful to kick off a cycle with.


    • Resheath needles when finished. Store used needles/syringes in a needle disposal container, a bleach bottle (thick plastic) or a coffee can (thick metal).
    • The container should not be see-through.
    • Dispose of the entire container when it is full.
    • NEVER store needles/syringes in a container that can be easily punctured (soda cans, glass bottles, juice bottles, milk cartons, etc).
    • NEVER flush needles/syringes down the toilet. Some of this waste can eventually end up back in the environment.
    • NEVER dispose of needles/syringes in a recycle bin.
    • NEVER dispose of loose needle/syringes in the garbage.
    • NEVER store needles/syringes (used or unused) in areas where children or animals have access.


    Sample Stack #1

    Weeks 1-10: 500mg Testosterone Enanthate WEEKLY

    Nolvadex on hand in case of gyno.

    Post Cycle Therapy

    Clomid therapy three weeks after last sust350 shot ran as follows:

    Day 1 - 300mg
    Day 2-11 - 100mg/day
    Day 12-21 - 50mg/day

    Weeks 1-4: Sustanon 250 Shot either every other day (1/2 mL) or 1mL twice weekely on either Sunday / Wednesday or Monday / Thursday.

    Weeks 1-4: Dbol (20-25mg)

    Nolvadex on hand in case of gyno. Alternatively, you can run 10mg daily throughout your cycle.

    Post Cycle Therapy

    Clomid therapy three weeks after last sust350 shot ran as follows:

    Day 1 - 300mg
    Day 2-11 - 100mg/day
    Day 12-21 - 50mg/day

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    right here
    just tryin to be helpfull

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    ^^It was well written, ramblin

  13. #13
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    u the man MERC

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramblin freak View Post
    just tryin to be helpfull
    See what happens when you try to help people?

  15. #15
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    I quit its all about me now

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    And Kales newbie starter pack ....

    Newbies Starter Pac


    Newbies, here is a list of threads you should read before you start asking questions on the forums. This list is by no means comprehensive, but it will give you a good understanding of AAS and diet and may even answer some of the questions you were going to ask.

    All newbies to the site should list their stats,age weight height,training exp and cycle history if any!! This should be written in their 1st post when asking quiestions about steroid use!

    Do Some Research !! But How ?

    If you are under 24 its very important that you read this thread first.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Message Board Rules

    What All The Abbreviations Mean

    Educational Threads

    ARR Doseing Thread

    Steroid and HGH Info

    Injection Info
    www.s i t remove the spaces

    PCT Info

    Diet Info

    Workout Info

    Supplements Info

    See the entire newbie starter pac here


  17. #17
    Join Date
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    right here
    there should be no more questions then

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    ^you'ld think

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    ^you'ld think

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Boston, Ma
    My mind is BLOWN Thanks to Ramblin!

    Later my Cock will be BLOWN thanks to DSM!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    right here
    and your cover is blown by kratos lol

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BodyByAAS View Post
    My mind is BLOWN Thanks to Ramblin!

    Later my Cock will be BLOWN thanks to DSM!
    did someone say cock ?!?!?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Boston, Ma

  24. #24
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    source check [email protected]
    can I drink winny?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    can I drink winny?
    No but you can drink......


  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Boston, Ma
    1,353 are soooo... GAY!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BodyByAAS View Post are soooo... GAY!
    I know its awesome. Gives me a free pass to see all my girl friends naked !

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    source check [email protected]
    lol.. to bad it dosnt turn you on

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    lol.. to bad it dosnt turn you on
    Who said that it doesn't ? they dont need to know that.

    I still date women fool.

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