That is a good post! Everyone can certainly belive what they want and if some belive there is life after death or a creator and it makes them feel better its a very good thing. Faith can be a great thing that make many lives better.
My only objection is when people try to manipulate science to make it fit with their faith.
ronnie peeps who believe go thru life conservatively they hold back, they dont do things coz "god wouldnt like it or coz "its a sin" so that they can go to heaven or as you said get reborn, i go thru life doing whatever i fookin well wanna do enjoying to the full, so we both die and im right and its the end no after life no gold clock no kiss my arse or nothing, dont you think the god squad have missed out on LIFE?. thats just my opinion, however people have to do whatever they can to get thru life and if believing in something they dont know exists then good luck to them if thats what they need to do
amen lol
42. Every Time You See a Rainbow, God is Having Gay Sex
You won me over![]()
I agree with you that some are indeed guilty of what you just described. But, I do not fall into that category. I enjoy life and can see through all the religious BS. I am of the opinion that being kind to others is the best way to live whether you believe in God or not. I am surrounded with friends of all backgrounds because I go out of my way to treat people with respect. I feel they deserve that respect!
Jesus himself never ran around with the religious crowd. He was friends with the sinners both rich and poor! I do not associate myself with the holier than thou crowd that goes around judging others. And I certainly make no judgements on those who do not believe as I. My belief is that we all sin ever day to some extent. I also believe that faith in Christ wipes away all sin-past, present and future.. I am no longer under bondage. I do as I please and I am a very happy person. Everyone has their opinions and they should be shown respect. I am not saying I am right because I cannot prove it 100% but there is some historical evidence backing up what I believe. I have studied the bible in great depth and it's what I believe. It's a touchy topic for sure.
take care,
Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 02-26-2008 at 05:26 AM.
i just go with the whole "treat others how i would like to be treated" mantra. Unless they are a scumbag, then **** em.
Lol nic post Kale,
29. I Gave Up Superstitious Mumbo Jumbo For Lent.
I can relate to that, I gave up believing in the bizarre for Scientology.
Its not the believin in God that matters....its the believin that matters!
"everyone who was anyone believed in something" George f__kin Patton
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