UPDATE: Thread has been updated over a number of years. Jump to the later pages if you want to see the more recent pictures.
Hey guys, thought id post a few recent pics of myself (I lost all of my old ones so dont have many). Im 21 years old, 173cm ("5.8 feet) been training 5 years on and off, 3 years solid and 2 years fanaticly. My diet is a work in progress.
Last June I did one 12 week test 400mg/pw deca 300mg/pw cycle but it was done very poorly as I was in a terrible state of mind at the time. Although I aquired PCT I got it seized when the place that I was keeping it got raided by the police. I planned my cycle for 4 years but 2 weeks in I suffered a tragity though decided to keep going anyway. As a result my diet and sleeping suffered and my stress levels were sky high. I still managed to go from 78kg (171 lbs) to 92kg(202lbs).
Anyway enough of the sob story, though I should add that I tore my left pec around 2 months ago so havnt really been able to train my chest untill recently. I also took a month of legs due to a minor knee problem which is better now so i've only started training legs the last week again.
Ive just finished a 3 month cut which I did for summer and so that I could compete in a running competition. I dropped from 92kg(202 lbs)to 78kg(171 lbs) (though alot of it was water as I did it after my cycle)
I am much leaner now at 78kg(171 lbs) than I was before my cycle. Pre cycle I had bulked up naturally from 70kg(154 lbs) to 80kg(176 lbs)then cut to 73 kg(160 lbs). Then bulked up naturally to 78kg(171 lbs) and was not lean. Now I am a lean 78kg(171 lbs) I dont know exactly how lean I am though it is around 13% I think.
The 1st photo is the only one I have of my bulk on the gear. It was taken about 1 month in, my weight around 90kg. All the others are quite recent with my weight from 78kg(171 lbs)-82kg(180 lbs)