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Its not just about money. Its about beliefs too.
Noone pays me to hate the people I do, or the people my friends and family hate. What I think is funnier is people who says "racism needs to die".
Thats idealistic utopian bs imo. Racism will never stop till whites start acting, speaking and dressing like blacks, or till blacks start acting speaking and dressing like whites.
Which is never gonna happen.
200 years from now even when slavery is further away, we will still find new things to hate about people. And I don't even think its wrong. I don't need to live in harmony with people I don't want to, and realistically, seeing what they are, I feel better despising them. I'm not just talking about blacks, I'm talking whites, asians, even my own kind the famous italian guido.
Certain groups of people act like fvckn idiots and think the world owes them something. I have not a shred of moral reservation to stop me from hating them. And I'm not talking about hating an entire group, but certain groups I just tend to not like a larger percentage of the population. Some people says its immature or closeminded, I say f that, its reality.