The phrase "an eye for an eye", Hebrew: עין תחת עין, ayin tahat ayin, is a quotation from several passages of the Bible (Leviticus 24:19–21, Exodus 21:22–25, and Deuteronomy 19:21) in which a person who has injured the eye of another is instructed to give his or her own eye in compensation. At the root of this principle is that one of the purposes of the law is to provide equitable retribution for an offended party. It defined and restricted the extent of retribution in the laws of the Old Testament.![]()
Stack_it I have enough...wanna go and pick up chicks...I am hungry......
Just did a quick read on everyones reply to this thread.... Sorry I haven't been here to keep up with it ( had surgery). Now didnt know he was married, didn't know he had a child at the beginning of this year and for the most part I'm not a swinger. As for stpete and I we are very comfortable in what we have together... He is NOT MARRIED a very open, honest person and with me right now. WE SHARE EVERYTHING, WE DON'T HOLD BACK. We are two very strong people and have faith in one another unlike Amcon and his wife.
StackIt thank you for directing members to her message on my message board. Her number is there if anyone needs to speak with her.
Stpete and I are here right now if you have anything to say PLEASE REPLY.
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
"Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."
"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
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So it makes me crazy for him to get caught trying to get in my pants when he is married?I didn't go to his wife she came at me.
Don't know about you but I was taught when your married your with your wife/husband and that is it.
I came on here tonite to say I was wrong for posting this.....but because of what I've read that will not happen.
All he had to do is say I'm married and we could have been friends as I am with many male members here that have no problem saying they are married and are not looking for that extra ego boost.
Yes, you are clearly crazy.
You did not come on here to say you were wrong and you had no plans of doing so. You came on here to save face, because your lies were exposed and you look stupid
and the way your brain works, you think you can change our perception of you with no explaination.
you must have borderline personality disorder, you should look into that
alright boys, get the popcorn in the microwave!
Haha he TOLD YOU he had a wife you lying piece of shit. And HIS WIFE contacted you telling your loony ass to stay away.
Was that not clear enough for you?
What a pathetic excuse for human life.
"For the most part".. you're a whore in denial. And "for the most part" noone really gives a fvck that you can't keep your legs closed. I just suggest you double up on your birth control cause the last thing you need to be bringing into this world is any kids.
You are a complete tool of a woman. If you and st pete "share everything" then
is st pete not here defending you right now? I'll tell you WHY. Because he prob has always knew you were not right in the head, but prob figured you were an easy piece of ass so he did what any man would.
Problem is your collar seems to have slipped off and rather then go look for you he seems to have just said "fvck it let the crazy bitch go play in traffic".
Amcon has been nothing but 100% straight forward with us since he first posted in this thread. He has spoken with clear coherent grammar (something you seem to find challenging) and also comes off like a relatively noble guy.
You however have been evasive, vague, have been called out by everyone on this forum and conveniently not addressed a single person in return. As bad as you look right now, the only thing I can't understand it why the fvck you even keep loggin on. Noone here respects you, noone here thinks you have an IQ higher then 40, and noone here would notice if you dissappeared for good.. so please do us a favor and just leave already.
Why are you thanking stackit? He helped exploit you.
Its obvious at this point that something is seriously not right with your head/thought process.
And I'm kinda feeling bad now because its very possible you've gone your entire life undiagnosed/untreated for your condition.
I suggest you admit yourself to your local mental institution, have them run some tests on you, then get on whatever med(s) you need to be taking. I'm not sure how you've got this far in life when its clear to me and everyone else here that you're completely out of touch with reality.
So please, all insults aside, go get looked at by a professional.
You know what guys........I just came in here. I see there's 5 or 6 pages of shit. Please allow me 2 go thru.......
We are cool you are right.
So you got that outta respect.
But honestly, does this situation not seem a little shady to you?
All I'm trying to figure out is why amcon is saying one thing and your girl is saying something completely different. I don't care what anyone does in their personal life thats none of anyones business. But everyone has the right to know who the liar is.
All I ask is that you understand that.
No being honest is normal. Did you completely disregard what I said? You are crazy for making this public on an Internet forum! I agree with bo. You need help.
St pete if that is you that posted and not her acting like you, you need to get your girl some therapy. No disrespect meant. I almost feel bad for what I have said in this thread since it was towards a mentally unstable female.
Can a mod change the thread title to ohhhhhh,
Crazy people and shit thread
damnit shite! i decide to hang out with some buddies 2nite and miss this!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe, just maybe....she murdered stpete????? just a thought
I dont care what happend really, its trivial sh*t, i just wanna see pics ... Sharing is caring Amcon
dammit man, i want to see some pics and messages on both sides...
where the hell is the mudslinging....
and for the record, all 3 are shit crazy....
hahah love it
and kratos is the man. his responses cracked me up
Yeah slam up some pics of yourself hrbp9501
Lets see if your even worth fighting over....
My guess is your worse looking than a can of smashed azzholes....
Prove me wrong PLEASE
alot of us saw her pic before..
wasnt bad if i remember correct.
but i want to see the good i believe all 3 involved are sjit can crazy..
Well i didnt see it......
So post up a G rated one......
send the pics im hung like a horse and not ashamed of my body... and wait you have not sent me pics but dont share them???????
lol - dont worrie im not going to send any
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