That's him with the fake prom date story and others.
What's the big deal though. I fvcked a chick in front of a bunch of my friends at a party about a year ago. We had already done the dead about 45 minutes before and just started making out again in the group, about 4 guys and 4 or 5 girls in teh room drinking.
We got a little carried away and I had my hand up her skirt, she started stroking me with her hand down my pants and one of her friends watching us started saying do it, pretty soon everyone was cheering us on. At first she was pretty shy about it (me too) but she let me start to bang her with a blanket sort of over us but it was soon lost and everyone had a full view and kept cheering us on. LOL
I couldn't bust a nut a 2nd time especially with an audience so we eventually moved to the bathroom where I could bet a better rhythm going without being self conscious and banging her HARD so I could finish. Luckily no one had or though about breaking out the phone cam... I got plenty of pictures and videos of her later.
I never though I would do something like that but it's amazing what a little alcohol, people cheering you on and a HOT girl will get you to do. LOL