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  1. #1
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Anabolic Steroids for Multiple Sclerosis

    Discuss of you wish. I found this very useful.

    "Readers' Letters -
    Anabolic Steroids for Multiple Sclerosis
    by Michael Mooney
    from Issue No. 2 (This page updated August, 2003)

    Dear Michael,
    (Long, very real story, made short):
    I have multiple sclerosis, an auto-immune disease, and have discovered that using anabolic steroids has totally changed my life. When I first started using steroids I could only bench press 40 lbs. Five years later, I bench 270, squat 275 for 5 reps, and deadlift 525 lbs. with wrist straps because the MS limits my grip strength. (Michael says WOW to 525 lbs!!!) I've used other anabolic steroids, but I currently use one Sustanon 250 (a testosterone blend) and 200 mg. of Deca Durabolin every 10 days. My doctor thinks I'm nuts, but when I go off the steroids I get weaker and weaker and the MS symptoms increase, so I know he's wrong and they're good for me. Your Muscle Media article on steroids and the immune system (Nov '95) tells me that you probably understand. The problem is that my supply is about to dry up and my doctor won't prescribe them, so I'm forced to be a felon. Do you have any tips on getting a doctor to help me? Thanks for publishing your work. Please keep spreading the word.
    M. S.

    Dear M.S.,

    If your doctor won't work with you after you do your best to educate him, GET ANOTHER DOCTOR!! This is what I tell the HIV(+) people I work with all the time. For your doctor to not know enough about using anabolic steroids is one thing, and that's why you've got to work to educate them - they don't have time to know everything about every medicine, especially one as complex and misunderstood as anabolic steroids. It's also understandable that they may be afraid of the legal implications of prescribing steroids for an "off-label use"", and as this is very very, touchy. I wouldn't blame any doctor who was afraid for this reason, as he may feel that he has to be especially cautious because he knows that he's subject to the scrutiny of the "authorities" for some reason. I do know of several doctors who do prescribe anabolic steroids to patients "off-label", though. If they don't have any reason to be afraid, they do have a perfect legal right to prescribe any medicine off-label. And some doctors are just willing to go all the way to help a patient with a critical medical condition. However, if your doctor doesn't seem to care enough to want to help you, or if they try to act like the "God" who knows all the answers about a critical illness that modern medical science has no good answer for, hire a better, more compassionate doctor, and here's how to do it.

    Call the prospective new doctor and tell them you have whatever your illness is, and you want to talk to the doctor to see if he's open to investigating your views on potential therapies. During the discussion tell the doctor everything you're considering about anabolic steroids or whatever, but get all your information together, especially medical journal references, before you meet with him, so you know what you're talking about. (Note: a number of medical journal references on anabolic steroids used therapeutically for diseases besides AIDS are available on this web page in the article called Anabolic Steroids - Literature References of their Potential Uses for Immune Therapy. If the doctor disagrees with what you say entirely, end the meeting and keep looking for a doctor who'll help you. (Note: be assertive that you shouldn't have to pay for this introductory meeting if there's no benefit to you. I'm telling you this because if you have to interview ten doctors to find one who'll work with you, you don't want to have paid a fee all ten times.)

    The doctors who practice alternative medicine are more likely to be open to experimenting with this kind of approach.

    Be aware, you may have to go through this with a number of doctors, but if you keep looking you will find a good doctor who understands that no one knows how to cure your disease, so every doctor should be open to researching and experimenting, just keep looking! And don't buy the status quo "there's no good answer for your disease" either. Where there's a (strong) will, there's a way. I see it all the time. And there are plenty of compassionate doctors out there, too.

    Growth Hormone and MS

    I know of a doctor in Mexico who is having success using growth hormone (GH) with multiple sclerosis patients. My research indicates that it may be, at least in part, because GH increases IGF-1 and IGF-1 is known to be involved in supporting the health and growth of nerve tissue.1, 2 MS is a degeneration of the nervous system, so this makes a certain amount of sense, so ask whatever doctor you end up working with to consider giving you the latitude to experiment with GH, perhaps in combination with anabolic steroids, like Deca Durabolin . The GH perhaps helping repair the nerve (and muscle) damage and the steroid improving the health and re-growth of the muscles, improving immune metabolism, and perhaps decreasing the progression of the MS, as it appears to do with some other auto-immune diseases.3, 4, 5 Good luck!

    NOTE: As of July, 2001, I could no longer contact the doctor in Mexico. I do not know where he is. If you want to try to work with anabolic hormones for multiple sclerosis, I suggest you contact an alternative medical doctor and ask if they are willing to help you experiment. Go to:



    Ishii DN, "Role of insulin -like growth factors in peripheral nerve regeneration." Pharmacol Ther 1994 Apr-May 62:125-144.

    Hansson HA, "Insulin-like growth factors and nerve regeneration." Ann NY Acad Sci 1993 692:16-171.

    Ansar Ahmed S, Penhale WJ, Talal N, "Sex hormones, immune responses, and autoimmune diseases. Mechanisms of sex hormone action." Am J Pathol 1985, Dec; 121(3):531-551.

    Ahmed SA, et al, "Sex hormones and the immune system." Ballieres Clinical Rheumatology [1990 Apr, 4(1):13-31.

    Sthoeger, ZM, Chiorazzi, N., Labita, RG, "Regulation of the immune response by sex hormones." J of Immun. 1988; 141:91-98.

    Disclaimer: This article is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way a substitute for the advice of a qualified medical doctor or a recommendation to do other than your doctor determines is best for you. You should present this information to your doctor for his analysis because appropriate medical therapy and the use of pharmaceutical compounds like anabolic steroids should be tailored by a knowledgeable doctor for the individual as no two individuals are alike. I do not recommend self-medicating with any pharmaceutical drug as you should consult with a qualified medical doctor who can determine your individual situation. If you use the information I present without the approval of your doctor, you do so strictly at your own risk and no responsibility is implied or intended on my part."

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    Interesting topic, HP.

    My dad has MS, and I've researched this subject somewhat before.

    He's in his late 50's now, and I've been trying to convince him to at least go get some bloodwork done to see where he's at.

  3. #3
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Refer him to this write-up or at least inform him the available options noted above that may benefit him.

    Interesting topic indeed.

  4. #4
    NMacFar's Avatar
    NMacFar is offline Member
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    Good read!

  5. #5
    MrGreen's Avatar
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    I have also read a fair amount about this and muscular dystrophy which a very good friend of mine has.

    From what I have read on MD and steroids most of the cases are younger patients who need strength to help them walk. Not much in regards to adults as for studies with steroids but it is a muscle wasting disease so I would think they could help if used in moderation.

  6. #6
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    My aunt has MS and she has been getting steroid treatments for years...

  7. #7
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    My aunt has MS and she has been getting steroid treatments for years...
    Be careful you are not mistaking it for corticosteroids instead of anabolic steroids . They are 2 very different things and have nothing to do with each other.

  8. #8
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Be careful you are not mistaking it for corticosteroids instead of anabolic steroids. They are 2 very different things and have nothing to do with each other.
    ^^ Agreed ^^

  9. #9
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Be careful you are not mistaking it for corticosteroids instead of anabolic steroids. They are 2 very different things and have nothing to do with each other.
    Thanks for the heads up, I will see what I can find out... she always says "steroids " so she could very well be talking about corticosteroids

  10. #10
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Thanks for the heads up, I will see what I can find out... she always says "steroids" so she could very well be talking about corticosteroids
    Most of the 'steroids ' people talk about when they refer to what their doctor perscribed them, are corticosteroids.

    Anyone uneducated on the subject will automatically think that the steroids their uncle Dave got perscribed by the doc is the same stuff those bodybuilder guys use. I thought that way for years until I did some basic research.

  11. #11
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    how many times have you seen someone with a swollen knee get a cortisone injection on the bench? vets use cortisone for animals with itchy skin problems also...
    Last edited by HitIt; 09-08-2010 at 08:31 PM.

  12. #12
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    To me it is somewhat unethical For those not qualified to suggest treatments especially when someone doesn't understand the disease and disease processes. MS is not a muscle wasting disease, it is a demyelinating disease of the nervous system. Muscle wasting is a by-product of the muscle being cut off from neural input and output. MS even has varients of relapsing-remitting periods where for unknown reasons the symptoms will stop and them begin to reverse for months to even years. How could anyone be sure taking AAS would help or any other compound?
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  13. #13
    MrGreen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    To me it is somewhat unethical For those not qualified to suggest treatments especially when someone doesn't understand the disease and disease processes. MS is not a muscle wasting disease, it is a demyelinating disease of the nervous system. Muscle wasting is a by-product of the muscle being cut off from neural input and output. MS even has varients of relapsing-remitting periods where for unknown reasons the symptoms will stop and them begin to reverse for months to even years. How could anyone be sure taking AAS would help or any other compound?
    Not sure who or what you are referring to btu I see your point. When I mentioned muscle wasting disease I was talking about muscular dystrophy.

  14. #14
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    very interesting read

  15. #15
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    To me it is somewhat unethical For those not qualified to suggest treatments especially when someone doesn't understand the disease and disease processes. MS is not a muscle wasting disease, it is a demyelinating disease of the nervous system. Muscle wasting is a by-product of the muscle being cut off from neural input and output. MS even has varients of relapsing-remitting periods where for unknown reasons the symptoms will stop and them begin to reverse for months to even years. How could anyone be sure taking AAS would help or any other compound?
    +2. These guys go to school for 10 years for a reason.

  16. #16
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    good topic

  17. #17
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Interesting topic, HP.

    My dad has MS, and I've researched this subject somewhat before.

    He's in his late 50's now, and I've been trying to convince him to at least go get some bloodwork done to see where he's at.
    I have a friend who is 50 who is in the very early stages of MS. His dad had MS and died about 5 years ago. He doesn't want to be like him and I have talked to him about HGH and Testosterone but he is one of these that doesn't want to get any blood work done, doesn't want to talk to any doctors and will probably ignore it until he cant do anything about it.

    I have given him a couple good/short books on HGH and testosterone but he has yet to read them, 2 years now.

    You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink.

  18. #18
    kiso is offline New Member
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    So what would you recommend for a 29 year old with Multiple Sclerosis, hypothetically speaking of course, to try?

    I'm a big guy, 6'0" 260, I was in good shape then the MS has kinda devastated my ability to move without pain. But I do remain quite active.I've talked to someone that had the same problem as myself but they are really tight lipped about their use. MS people have no brotherhood lol. 30 is about when I was told to expect the syptoms to start to show and the Dr's have been correct about that.

    I'd like something really low dose but does have proven positive effectiveness.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiso View Post
    So what would you recommend for a 29 year old with Multiple Sclerosis, hypothetically speaking of course, to try?

    I'm a big guy, 6'0" 260, I was in good shape then the MS has kinda devastated my ability to move without pain. But I do remain quite active.I've talked to someone that had the same problem as myself but they are really tight lipped about their use. MS people have no brotherhood lol. 30 is about when I was told to expect the syptoms to start to show and the Dr's have been correct about that.

    I'd like something really low dose but does have proven positive effectiveness.
    Take a copy of the research to your doctor, and ask him the same. Don't ask serious medical advice on a board full of perverts; that's my suggestion.
    Good luck bro!

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