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  1. #1
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Im going to do a girl today....

    This female friend is a home personally trainer and one night while we were out having a few drink she brings up working out. Of course now you can shut me up and the conversation goes on for a while. She brings up all these movements/combos/weight blah blah. I tell her while its good to change things up you still want some staples in your workout squats-deads-mpress-chest press etc. She said no no you dont HAVE to have them. I said ummm yea you do. Although she is female in my mind muscle is muscle and has no gender. Well after she go drunk she asked me to challenge her. The bet, i wont be able to make her sore after a workout. What does she pick ? Legs !

    Now i don't want to hurt the girl but the more i think about the more i want her to suffer !

    Was thinking :

    BB squats
    Bar lunges
    Straight leg deads
    And maybe an isolate machine movement

    That should turn her legs into noodles. Is that overboard for a female ?

    I just have to decide if i want to do legs first or last. If she has never done them BB style then i might do them first just to make it easier. If she knows what she is doing i will blast her while she is weak at the end.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    oh shit...I got a leg routine that will destroy her...hold on, let me see if it's on this computer...

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    First step is to know what weight you can squat 10 reps fairly easily. Drop that weight 60 pounds. Say you can get 10 reps @ 285, your weight for this exercise will be 225. I also suggest you do these squats on a smith machine .If you decide to free squat please have a spotter!

    Get your ass under the bar and get 20 reps for 5 sets. I don?t give a flying fvck how you get them, just get it done. And none of that pvssy ass squatting to parallel either. Sink that motherfvcker deep in the whole .At about rep 16 most need to utilize rest/pause to get those last few reps .Not a problem, just take a 5 second pause at the top and get those last few ****ing reps. Remember 5 sets of 20 reps!

    By the way, Rest period is 3 minutes between sets.

    Now that your done the squats, take a few minutes to regroup. You'll need it.

    Drag your sorry fvckin ass over to the leg press machine and load the fvcker up with a weight you can get 10-12 reps. Catch here is, you?re getting 25 reps using rest/pause.
    1 set of these widow makers and now crawl your ass to the leg extension machine and use a weight you can get 10 reps. You?re getting 10 reps for 3 sets here, but you are doing VERY slow reps. Squeezing the living piss out of your quads at the top for a 3 count, then slow on the negative .This will literally toast the piss out of your quads!

    Exercises are complete. No need for Ham exercises this day(You?ll see why later!). If you have anything left you can do some calves.

    Only thing left to do is extreme stretching holding the stretch for 90 seconds each quad. I don't do sissy squats like Dante suggests. I prefer putting one foot up (behind me)on a donkey calve arm rest. Once I get my one foot up I lean back and stretch that fvcking quad til I have tears in my eyes.

  4. #4
    calgarian's Avatar
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    i thought Cherry hacked into DSM's account.

  5. #5
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    God i remember that 20 rep @#$$@ from DC training. 20 reps for 5 sets. We are both going to be dead but i like it !

  6. #6
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    First step is to know what weight you can squat 10 reps fairly easily. Drop that weight 60 pounds. Say you can get 10 reps @ 285, your weight for this exercise will be 225. I also suggest you do these squats on a smith machine .If you decide to free squat please have a spotter!

    Get your ass under the bar and get 20 reps for 5 sets. I don?t give a flying fvck how you get them, just get it done. And none of that pvssy ass squatting to parallel either. Sink that motherfvcker deep in the whole .At about rep 16 most need to utilize rest/pause to get those last few reps .Not a problem, just take a 5 second pause at the top and get those last few ****ing reps. Remember 5 sets of 20 reps!

    By the way, Rest period is 3 minutes between sets.

    Now that your done the squats, take a few minutes to regroup. You'll need it.

    Drag your sorry fvckin ass over to the leg press machine and load the fvcker up with a weight you can get 10-12 reps. Catch here is, you?re getting 25 reps using rest/pause.
    1 set of these widow makers and now crawl your ass to the leg extension machine and use a weight you can get 10 reps. You?re getting 10 reps for 3 sets here, but you are doing VERY slow reps. Squeezing the living piss out of your quads at the top for a 3 count, then slow on the negative .This will literally toast the piss out of your quads!

    Exercises are complete. No need for Ham exercises this day(You?ll see why later!). If you have anything left you can do some calves.

    Only thing left to do is extreme stretching holding the stretch for 90 seconds each quad. I don't do sissy squats like Dante suggests. I prefer putting one foot up (behind me)on a donkey calve arm rest. Once I get my one foot up I lean back and stretch that fvcking quad til I have tears in my eyes.
    U have used ass so many times just reading this will turn on DSM

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    U have used ass so many times just reading this will turn on DSM

  8. #8
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    U have used ass so many times just reading this will turn on DSM

    Too bad I didn't write it

  9. #9
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Make her do glute-ham raises. The first few times you do them they are brutal.

  10. #10
    HitIt's Avatar
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    an excerise routine that will make her unable to walk? hmmm


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    an exercise routine that will make her unable to walk? hmmm

    i can achieve it without any exercise ...

  12. #12
    LGM's Avatar
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    Sissy squats or wall sits suck. Might throw those in too.

  13. #13
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Maybe ill do ass to grass squats 20 reps and punch her in the stomach each rep.

  14. #14
    Reed's Avatar
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    Here is a little routine I thought up.

    Leg curl: 3-4 warm up sets, EVERY REP squeeze and hold at the top for 1-2 seconds, and resist the negative on the way down, then power back up
    1 set 15 reps, drop weight do as many as possible for 2 drop sets

    Single Leg curl: 3 warm up sets, SAME technique like prior
    1set 12 reps, rest/pause for 10-20 seconds and do reps, rest/pause again

    Stiff leg dead lift:3-4 sets, focus on the stretch.

    Leg press: warm up 4 sets or whatever it takes you
    Your one set should have a fair amount of weight on it, complete reps from 10-15 while focus on resisting the negative on the way down, drop weight off.. bust out as many as you can, drop again. Legs should be VERY pumped and in pain.

    Power squat machine, (face in) or Hacks- warm up
    1 set and this is the rest/pause part of the quads, get down as many as possible on first set, rack weight, do again (should be no more than 5 if done right), rack weight again and do your last set.

    But you aren't done, Go over and do free weight squats. Go heavy! I keep my legs shoulder width and have hams touch calfs
    For me its usually
    185 x10
    275 x5
    335-365 x3-5 (depends on how smoked I am but I try and beat my weight)

    I actually do this whole routine at once, hams first as well.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Here is a little routine I thought up.

    Leg curl: 3-4 warm up sets, EVERY REP squeeze and hold at the top for 1-2 seconds, and resist the negative on the way down, then power back up
    1 set 15 reps, drop weight do as many as possible for 2 drop sets

    Single Leg curl: 3 warm up sets, SAME technique like prior
    1set 12 reps, rest/pause for 10-20 seconds and do reps, rest/pause again

    Stiff leg dead lift:3-4 sets, focus on the stretch.

    Leg press: warm up 4 sets or whatever it takes you
    Your one set should have a fair amount of weight on it, complete reps from 10-15 while focus on resisting the negative on the way down, drop weight off.. bust out as many as you can, drop again. Legs should be VERY pumped and in pain.

    Power squat machine, (face in) or Hacks- warm up
    1 set and this is the rest/pause part of the quads, get down as many as possible on first set, rack weight, do again (should be no more than 5 if done right), rack weight again and do your last set.

    But you aren't done, Go over and do free weight squats. Go heavy! I keep my legs shoulder width and have hams touch calfs
    For me its usually
    185 x10
    275 x5
    335-365 x3-5 (depends on how smoked I am but I try and beat my weight)

    I actually do this whole routine at once, hams first as well.
    I like.

    Ill only do sqauds at end if she knows form. I dont want to make her spent then try and teach her squats. Although i would love to blast her with squats at the end.

  16. #16
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i thought Cherry hacked into DSM's account.
    I was like who copped my swagger

    You should just put a cardboard cutout of david hasselhoff on her face and bend her over dsm

  17. #17
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Well we just got back. OMG it was a joke. We started with squads 4 sets 20 reps. After squats she was done, and i mean DONE. She refused to do bar lunges, straight leg deads, and or machine ham string ext.

    So a personal trainer that can't handle squats, priceless.

  18. #18
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    are you surprised?

  19. #19
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    Aww man, it gets fun when I up the reps to 20 on the free weight squats

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Aww man, it gets fun when I up the reps to 20 on the free weight squats
    I had her use just the bar no weight and i said let me see how you squat. She wasn't going all the way down. I said take it down a little more and she did without an issue. We put just a little weight on there and after the 3rd squat she was starting to half ass it. I said "hell no, take that shit down. I reminded her that she did it just fine with the bar so i know you can do it." She was dying by the second set it was great

    I like the high reps for squats. My legs were burning up but of course i didn't show it
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 09-10-2010 at 05:02 PM.

  21. #21
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    I thought DSM will have sex with a woman?

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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I had her use just the bar no weight and i said let me see how you squat. She wasn't going all the way down. I said take it down a little more and she did without an issue. We put just a little weight on there and after the 3rd squat she was starting to half ass it. I said "hell no, take that shit down. I reminded her that she did it just fine with the bar so i know you can do it." She was dying by the second set it was great

    I like the high reps for squats. My legs were burning up but of course i didn't show it
    shes a keeper!

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  24. #24
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    I love leg days with a capital S for squats!
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  25. #25
    NMacFar's Avatar
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    HAHAHA. She picked leg day???? oh boyyyyyyyyyyy. I can't wait to hear the end of this story!

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