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Multi-culturalism a fail in Germany
Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a speech to the youth wing of her Christian-Democratic Union party, said “The multicultural approach … has failed, and failed absolutely,” in a video clip on
Germany opened its borders to foreign workers in the 1960s and made no demands that immigrants learn the language or integrate into German society.
Merkel said that the hope of having separate cultural groups happily coexisting inside Germany was “not the reality.”
The Chancellor made it clear that she was not proposing Germany seal its borders. Germany could not risk being seen as a country which rejected foreigners, she said, because, “that would do great damage to our country. Companies would go elsewhere, because they couldn’t find workers here.”
Merkel went on to explain that “integration is one of the key tasks facing us in the future. At the same time it must be a trademark of Germany that the country gives people here an opportunity.”
Merkel also said, “We feel bound to the Christian image of humanity—that is what defines us. Those who do not accept this are in the wrong place here,” according to the Daily Mail.
Many Germans Prefer Fewer Immigrants
Merkel is under pressure from elements of her own party to tighten up on immigration. This pressure comes from a general increase in xenophobia in the country.
Germany, with a population of 79 million, is home to seven million immigrants, 4.3 million of which are Muslims, according to the Daily Mail.
The Guardian reports that last week Bavarian Premier Horst Seehoffer, a CDU member, called for a halt to all Turkish and Arabic immigration.
Also last week, the Freidrich Ebert Foundation, a think tank associated with the center-left opposition Social Democratic Party, released a study showing 30 percent of Germans feel their country is being ”overrun by foreigners,” the Christian Science Monitor reports.
The study also found that 60 percent of all Germans would “restrict the practice of Islam,” and 17 percent said Jews had “too much influence.”
Not all CDU members favor the anti-immigrant rhetoric. On Sunday, Labor Minister Ursula von der Leyen told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung that Germany needed more skilled workers, and should consider lowering immigration barriers for trained foreigners.
Chancellor Merkel said training unemployed Germans should take precedence over bringing in skilled foreign workers, though she admitted some would be needed.
10-18-2010, 08:06 AM #2
It is hard to believe any politician would come out saying those things. Just to recap...Germans are xenophobic, multiculturalism doesn't work, there are too many Jews in Germany, and there is a growing public resentment of Muslims. Gotta say no big surprises other than there being too many Jews in Germany. However, only 17% of Germans indicated they felt that way. I would be willing to bet that 17% is not real happy about anyone without blonde hair and blue eyes. I will say this, I have my doubts about multiculturalism being able to be successful, and as far as their Muslim issue, well that's not too hard to understand. It's difficult to treat Islam as a religion on it's face because by all appearances they are just as much of a political party/movement as a religion. We are taught to separate the Church from our legal/political processes, but Islam teaches they are one and the same.
10-18-2010, 10:40 AM #4
It would be simpler if everyone on the planet had blue eyes and blonde hair, but it wouldn't be as interesting. There was a time you could travel here in america and see significant regional differences. Now it's taco bell and walmart from coast to coast.
True. Diversity brings with it some challanges. Language and education are the first two that come to mind. But these people are not going to go away. You can either embrace them, or exclude them. If you exclude them, there will be resentment and hostility from them directed at you. Having said that, we, as a society, seem to overlook their benefits. Most are very eager to work (I'm thinking hotel and agricultural industry for one) at wages most of the rest of us would sniff at. What do you think the price of fruit or vegatables would be if we had red necks working the fields instead? And let's not forget about the culinary delights they bring with them! I travel all the way to Sacramento to visit this one Vietnamese resturant a few times a year. Yet again, I travel to hayward about twice a year to get some authentic (black) BBQ. Damm it's good! Have any of you ever lived in another country on another continent? Both times, I was warmly embraced by the local people. they were just as curious about me as I them.
So what's your flavor? Do you prefer to embrace, or are you more likely to exclude?
Multiculturalism is ok, but you can't have huge distinct populations living in The same region under the same rule of law. People have their own values and Identities. If I moved somewhere I wouldn't want to act like the chinese for example. I would find groups of westerners and live like I have always lived. It's no different if you flip that around. Who from turkey wants to act like a western European and lose thier cultural heritage. Believe it or not, a persons ancesters have a profound influence on who a person is today.
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
"Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."
"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
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10-18-2010, 11:26 AM #6
Mate, I'm not so sure I agree with all that. for example, in the city of san francisco, there is a huge chinese sub population living in an area we call "China town". Why would they not be able to follow the same laws as you and I? It is very possible, and probable, that people retain their culture when coming here. I think it is expected? And within one generation, their children are fairly mainstreem, and speak english.
My family actually seeks out these cultural differences. for example, once or twice a year, we will pack up the kids and do an all dayer by checking out China Town. We buy from the merchants, we eat the meals, and we rub shoulders with the people. I think it's pretty friggin righteous! What's wrong with that? If there wasn't the cultural difference, but only chinese people that were mainstream, how boring would that be?
10-18-2010, 12:30 PM #7
Anywhere. I don't mean that from a racist standpoint, but show me where it has succeeded in history. It is the tendency of most cultures/groups to stick to their own and not assimilate into a larger population. For the reasons muslcescience brought up, it just doesn't seem like it will be successful. The idea of multiculturalism is the eventual assimilation of the combined cultures into one homogenous group without reflection or reference to race/religion. I am simply not sure human beings are capable of this.
10-18-2010, 12:31 PM #8
10-18-2010, 12:35 PM #9
10-18-2010, 01:13 PM #10
Flints or Everett & Jones is what I was referring to. First, the meat is smoked with a dry rub. then out comes this fantastically delicious sauce you lavish over the meat when your meal is served. The reference to "black" is the ethnicity of the people that typically cook meat this way in my area. The food is very authentic.
10-18-2010, 01:17 PM #11
Why would you look at that as a failure? Unless you are seeking a homogeneous society, where everyone shares the same customs and culture.
IMHO, it is OK for there to be pockets of culture different than mainstream. There is nothing wrong with being different. But we all have to get along.
10-18-2010, 01:22 PM #12
Have you guys been to Germany and seen this firsthand? Some of the Muslim culture that prevails in areas there is VERY not Western. You would be shocked. I know I was. I can absolutely understand the backlash. These are not values similar to our own or understood by our eyes. This is not Chinatown or the Cinco de Mayo party downtown.
I consider myself to be very open-minded, but after seeing some of what I did there I realized there has to be some give from that side. You want to come here because of he wealth and advantages offered by Western culture? Part of the reason we have that is because we don't embrace some of those terrible backwards ways so prevailing in certain Muslim areas/cultures. Leave that crap there, please. I don't want to see you beat your hooded, uneducated, and oppressed women in the subway because they got out of line.
10-18-2010, 01:39 PM #13
Yes, I lived in Germany, and at the time, it was the Turks who were looked down on.
There are laws that protect hooded, uneducated and oppressed women in subways against beatings. The people that commit such crimes are criminals, and deserve to go to jail. If you see it, report it. Same as here in America.
Each generation, there are those "dirty" immigrants that are looked down on. First, it was the filthy Mics, then the dirty Wops. Now it's the greasy Mexicans.
My question to you is.... How high should we build the walls?
10-18-2010, 02:28 PM #14
You're being shortsighted. I have no problems with any race or ethnicity per se. When confronted by what I saw in Germany of oppressed people living right there in "freedom" it was appalling. I could give a rat's ass where you're from or who you worship. But when you force people (women in this case) into a virtual slavery it's just plain WRONG. And don't give me that crap about "they can leave if they want to, they're in a free country" because no, they can't. They are in a foreign country with perhaps no education and no ability to speak the language, and they would be ostracized from their own community-- the only place they have. Maybe even deported back to a place where they chop your fvcking nose off for disobeying your husband. /rant
10-18-2010, 02:38 PM #15
I should point out of course, that this was very much a minority of the Muslim community I saw there, but it was there.
10-18-2010, 04:11 PM #16
I like how she says "I would prefer to train unemployed Germans than accept skilled foreign workers....but we'd have to accept some".
For everyone that bitches about immigrants, they are the people that do all the shitty jobs that nationals wouldnt "dream" of doing.
People can't have it both ways. I'm not sure I like this semi hardline stance. Where do you draw the line? Where does it go? From "no immigrants" to "no Europeans" to "just Germans"??
I agree on a few points, people should learn the language of the country they plan on living in.Last edited by Flagg; 10-18-2010 at 04:28 PM.
10-18-2010, 05:31 PM #17
10-18-2010, 06:41 PM #18
I was just messing with you because everybody where I am from cooks it that way! It's not a black or a white thing, it's just how it is done. With that said, the originations of true bbq comes from the black communities of the south.
I am not personally seeking a homogenous society, but I do think in general humans as a whole are. Why else not assimilate with ease and give up the old cultures? I am also not saying it is right or wrong, just an observation of human behavior.
The reason I view it as an example of how multiculturalism fails is what I stated above. The true goal of a multiculturalistic society should be to include all of the good parts of each culture in an effort towards the assimilation of all people to form one new, unique culture in which race/religion is no longer considered. However, because human nature is to seek out one's own and hold onto those values it is impossible to create such a society. In the end we have a splintered, systematically divided nation in which competing groups lobby for power and control based on their ability to form voting blocks.
10-18-2010, 06:45 PM #19
Muslims create a very unique circumstance for the nations in which they migrate to. This is because they are not simply a religion or a political party, but both. It is taught that they use the power of politics to put into place their own religious system of laws. It is a real cunundrum for Americans because we are taught to separate our feelings about the two, and to hold them unique to themselves in matters of gov't. Our freedoms insist we are tolerant of religions, but our laws tell us to strike down those who would revolt against our system of gov't. So which is it, should we tolerate their religion or look at their politics as a form of revolution.
I'm talking about on a much larger scale. Sure a town can have it's own Chinatown, or whatever. What I am talking about is if for example you have a large scale population with it's own identity over a sizable amount of land within a country as z whole. To use Germany's own history, milions of Germans migrated to areas around the Volga river in Russia. At one point in time after WWI and II these areas where given autonomy to rule themselves and form thier own government independent to that of the Russian or later the soviet governments. This worked without much conflict until Russia got nervous about having a distinct German speaking state within it's borders. They eventually took the autonomy of these German states in Russian and either kicked most of them out or they migrate back to Germany proper. It's debated which actually happened. To this day there are distinct pockets in eastern Europe that are almost completely Germanic. These areas still do this day talk of gaining autonomy. Many have chose to return to Germany under a law/s passed in the 1990's. These ancestors of Germanic origin have the right to return to Germany under the right of return, provided that they can prove their germanic origin or speak a recognized dialect of German. If is estimated that there are as many as 5 million Germans living in limbo outside of what is now Germany proper.
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
"Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."
"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
Depressed? Healthy Way Out!
Tips For Young Lifters
MuscleScience Training Log
12-02-2010, 08:14 PM #21
On the issue of the "muslim problem" i think they should pledge allegenience ( sorry about the spelling) to the country that they choose to live in, and if the cant do that ..........leave!!
12-02-2010, 10:00 PM #22
there are definitely problems in germany as well as the rest the of europe when it comes to this. in germany there is a town where there was a owl statue which can be a pagan symbol. the muslims in the area wanted it removed because it was offensive to there religion. this is the type of problem that exists in eurpoe right now and many americans are not really aware of it. it smore than just art. it exists on whats being taught in schools both in europe and america. "how dare we teach the facts of the crusades". muslims are using political correctness against europe especially germany, france, britain, and spain. they know that they are claiming europe through this, and the immigration of arabs to europe to fill the work force due to europeans having lower birth rates. the europeans better start having kids again if you want to save your culture. im happy to be american but i also respect where my ancestor immigrants come from and i would hate to see that connection gdisapear. not to mention the human trafficking sex slave trade in europe is ran by people from the middle east with a malicious intent against the european people and its culture. its all about domination.
europeans. get rid of the political correctness. we in america need to do the same. have kids. arabs are flooding into your country and reproducing like crazy. they know they are gonna overpopulate you. dont let it happen. protect the future of your children and the integrity of you women.
does someone want to call me racist? im just speaking of whats happening. it has nothing to do with my opinion on a specific group fundamentally.
12-02-2010, 10:04 PM #23
take a look at the book eurabia. if your european or an american descendant of europe and this book doesnt make you mad there is something wrong with you.
12-02-2010, 10:47 PM #24
if you want multiculturalism come to australia, its failed dismally, only created more racist tensions.
12-05-2010, 08:33 PM #25
you dont have to be "a decendant of europe" to feel anger at muslims m8. Muslims kill black europeans too. from my piont of view ( as a black european) i see them as the enemy to the western way of live and all that that means. There are many of us in the UK who feel as i do.
12-06-2010, 06:27 PM #26
12-06-2010, 08:17 PM #27
I have no problem with any race...
I do have a problem with people using "religion" and "race" as a scapegoat to bash women kill people so we can have virgins in paradise.
12-07-2010, 08:27 AM #28
I will never get over the shock of seeing people use "they" to lump in all muslim's to a small radical group. I just wish the radical muslim's wouldn't group all of us "westerners" with you intolerant and hateful people who do that.
Last edited by zimmy; 12-07-2010 at 10:12 AM.
12-07-2010, 08:51 AM #30
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12-07-2010, 12:33 PM #31
Germany has a right to choose its own path. There is nothing wrong with that. If they want to seal their border then fine, so be it. But let it be to keep Germany connected to its cultures and history. But I feel all of this is because of paranoia of Islam and immigration as a whole. And the media is to be blamed for that. Many muslims see Germany as their home. You got the German national team having guys like Ozil (Turk) and Khedira (Algerian) giving their all for that country. Personally, I think Germans should be given the right to do what they want with their own country but I am disgusted with the reasons as to why (Which we all know is Islamophobia most likely). And why would someone make a poll on if Germans would restrict practice of someone's religion or if Jews have too much influence?? That there is just something bizarre to ask people since it gives some fascists some ideas. Its like Americans holding a poll asking the public "Should African Americans be watched more carefully due to LA riots?". It splits society completely.
12-07-2010, 06:47 PM #32
Thats life, we just need bigger bombs...
But that is life again isnt it.. The government preaches peace but at the end of the day they want the biggest guns the biggest bombs to force people to agree.. Its all hypocritical.
We need to kill people for peace! lol
12-07-2010, 10:42 PM #33
This is about as multicultural as Germany gets... blonde hair and blue eyes
12-08-2010, 09:39 PM #34
12-08-2010, 10:25 PM #35
The world will n e v e r have peace.
12-09-2010, 03:26 PM #36
12-18-2010, 05:56 AM #37
Austrian fined after Muslim neighbors claimed yodelling mocked call to prayer
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