My legs are already mush.. I knew I was in for some damage today. Just felt it coming through the door.
Seated press: 2 warms, feel at 360, then put 810 on that bad boy and went for 4 insane reps. The last two felt like it took an hour. I remember thinking that was it on the 3rd, but took it down slowly for one more, and I wasn't sure that I would get it up, but I did. Dropped to 630 and pushed out 6 more.. Excruciating... Failure. Seeing stars as I got up, suddenly felt wobbly and made my way over to the trash can.. Bent over it and could not catch my breath and though I was going to puke, but didn't (although I did drool a lot lol). Came back over and my buddy says, "nice set". Haha.
Hack squat: feel with 270 then put 360 and went for 8... Barely got the last one up. Rested for a few seconds and plugged out 2 more.
Standing lunges with 45lb plates in each hand. No idea how many I did but hit failure again. Fell to one knee and had to drop the plates.
Heavy extensions and curls, hit 2 calf movements and fvvvvvvvvvvvvck cardio. No can do. Had some work to do so had a shake and picked up a half chicken, and rice for dinner. There's a dull throbbing pain in my legs already. I'm in for it, no question.