Over the last few months I've started to get stronger and feel a lot more stable in my lifts to start pushing more weight. After 30yrs of training its extremely hard to progressively lift heavier weight each week and you have to start implementing other methods like increasing intensity etc. The reason why I have got stronger is because I've gone back to some of my old power lifting techniques what I was taught in the first years of lifting. What's happened is I've got a lot stronger and injuries feel better and I'm far more stable in my lifts which bounced me into new growth.
Bracing and breathing properly is an elite procedure but I am going to write a bit about it for those who don't know anything about it and how to do it so you explode in size and power. Bracing is a procedure what makes an extremely strong trunk and by bracing your core your lifts will be more powerful, stronger and you'll be less likely for injury.
What happened to me was bracing and breathing was ingrained into how I lifted but over the years and my transition from power lifting to bodybuilding I slowly started to lose the proper bracing and breathing technique and I relied on my sheer strength and power what I had. Many bodybuilders breath and lock in a pre lift differently than power lifters and for me I've gone back to my old power lifting days to help me and I can't express enough what this as done for me.
Bracing is simply tensing the core and the secondary muscles to create stiffness in the area so your trunk can withstand a lot of pressure and force which relates to a lot more power, but you have to learn to use the diaphragm to engage the core properly this is very important otherwise you wont be able to breath and brace which is the key to the whole process. Lowering and pushing the diaphragm down to activate the core comes naturally to me I can do it anytime anywhere but if your not use to doing this the best way to feel this happen is to push as much air out of your lungs as possible. While your doing this you will feel the core stiffen up and if you carry on pushing all the air out you will feel a pain and pressure just under your rib cage and this is your diaphragm pushing down to create this pressure so your trunk is full tensed. Once you experience this and learn how to activate this procedure you will be able to do it instantly and wont need to breath out and go though this to make sure your in the right position to lift, infact its very dangerous to breath out pre lift so don't use this method I've just explain above before a lift its a way for you to understand how to activate the diaphragm to get into the right position so you can breath while your lock into the brace. I do have an excellent video to show how to do this and goes through what I've explained above.
Once you learn how to activate your diaphragm and make your trunk ridged you can start to learn how to breath properly through bracing. The last thing you want is to be tensed and not being able to breath during a heavy lift especially exhaling during the effort. Now to breath while bracing you have to breath through your stomach and not your chest. If you take a deep breath in and your chest expands and lifts up your not doing it right and the activated core will not be ridged anymore. You learn to push the stomach sideways and breath with the stomach and push the oblique's out, so they go sideways and outwards and lock into place , if you have a belt on you will be able to breath against this to help engage the secondary muscles for the brace and make sure your core is still engaged.
So any overhead lift or power movement engage the core by bracing using the diaphragm then take deep breaths in through the stomach by pushing the stomach sidways and oblique's instead of the chest. I can do this within seconds and be ready for any kind of lift. To help me with my bracing and trunk stabilization ive trained my core, oblique's ( I know Kel will hate that one because it may thicken the waist but doesn't bother me if it helps me in other areas), spinal erectors, rectus abdominals and glutes.
If you have never used bracing by lowering the diaphragm and breathing through the stomach it wont come easy, its something what you have to learn to do but once you master it and can implemented it at a seconds notice you will get far more better lifts, get stronger and be overall more stable. I've done this for the last 3 months and I've started to grow again and my lifts have gone through the roof, not just in the squat but anything such as shoulder press, incline press rows etc. When you brace properly your posture will be in a better position to handle more overhead weight, your spine will be more braced and the power what just flows is remarkable.
I was talking to Almostgone via email one night and I was explaining to him about what I've been doing and I sent him a few videos to help get him started and from the feedback he's given me it looks like things are improving for him aswell, I am sure Almostgoine will update you all in the following few weeks how things are going but this is a must especially with HIT. I know we all lock and tense into lifts and then exhale on the effort but try bracing and creating that pressure in your core via your diaphragm and while your in it breath and get ready for your lift. All I can say is this is a remarkable tool to have and I feel so indestructible and powerful its showing in my thickness and size
The videos are from another one of my hero's Chris Duffin
First one more or less tells you the B & B for squatting but will also explain how to start learning how to get into this position, its not just for squats.