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Tommrrow is all sorted out Food will be as follows:
Meal 1:
-100g Spelt
-2 Egg whites
-2 Full eggs
-Pre work out aminos
44.6 Pro 61.4 Carbs 14.2 Fat 551.6 Cal
-Inclcine bench:- 3 warm up sets, 1 feel set 1 working set tp failure followed up with drop sets and rest pause
-flat bench:- 1 feel set, 1 working set to failure drop down rest pause followed by another working set
-Cable cross over:- 2 warm up sets 1 feel set 1 working set tp failure, drop sets
-Bbell curl -2 warm up sets, 1 feel set, 1 working set to failure, cheat forced reps followed with negs + drop set
-incline dbell curl- 1 feel set, 1 working set to failure, rest pause
When going to failure half reps and quater reps where used.
Meal 2 PWO
-5 1/2 Weetbix
-35g Whey Iso
40.9 PRO 57.12 Carb 6.12 Fat 451.2 Cal
Meal 3 PPWO
-200g Brown rice
-130g Chicken breast
-70g broc
-50g bean
-50g Spinach
42.1 PRO 62.95 CARB 4.6 FAT 461.6 CAL
Meal 4
-150g 4 bean mix
-120g Lean mince
-4 aspargus spears
-50g spinach
-70g broc
-10g Spice mix
41.9 PRO 36.7 CARB 7.1 FAT 378.8 CAL
Meal 5
-150g Sweet Patato
-2 Cans of tuna
-20g low fat cottage cheese
40.9 PRO 37.98 CARB 3.56 FAT 347 CAL
Meal 6:
-150g Salmon
-4 spear asparagus
-50g spinach
-50g beans
-70g broc
38.55 PRO 10.75 CARBS 19.35 FAT 371.32 CAL
Totals: 246.8 PRO 260 CARBS 54.5 FAT 2525 CAL